Let me Die a Delightful Death

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Let me die a delightful


Not snuggled up bedbug tight,

In my whiteys and unicorn pajamas,

But gunned down on my feet,

Because I refused to kneel in chains.

Let me not ease myself

Into an afterlife,

Through occasional aches

And pains,

And dementia's anesthetized


But in a drug-fueled

Old age pensioner's orgy,

In Belgian chocolate sponsored

Viral video.

Let me die a delightful


With a wake

To make the devil himself blush

(Hell, put Lucifer on the guest list and

Have him wait outside in the rain)

Be sure the poor are

First in the door.

Let me die a delightful


Littered with friendships

And emotional car wrecks,

That skittered along the edge,

Trembling with the tension

From the fear of falling.

Let me die a delightful


Not knocking on its door,

Mind you,

Nor afraid to shake

The reapers hand,

But knowing that these few

Paltry words;

I brought some beauty into


That I gave more to you,

Than you to me,

Before I stepped inside

The fading forgotten.

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