A mothers rage

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We all sat on the couches in the living room. Asher, Eli, and I sat on one of the couches while Ryan, Jace, and Daniella sat on the second one. Our mother stood in front of us looking as stern as ever.

"Ok so what is this about?" Jace spoke up obviously annoyed. My mother sighed and looked at all of us. "I want to take Ryan and the twins back with me." She shocked all of us to the core with that sentence. My mouth dropped open as I tensed up.

"You're not taking them!" Asher stood up angrily. Jace stood up with him. "They are my children. And it would be more beneficial for them. They would have more opportunities. And you wouldn't have to worry as much." Our mother replied as she glared at her two sons. "No. You don't even know half the stuff that goes on around here!" Jace chimed in. Our mother laughed as if she just saw the funniest thing.

"I'm their mother and that's enough." She gritted her teeth obviously getting quite ticked off. I hung my head as I knew what topics were about to come up. I knew they were about to let the two dark secrets she know about spill. They were about to tell her about the time Jace ran away with some girl. And about my kidnapping. The thing with Jace happened a year before this but it would prove to her that she hardly knew anything about her own children.

Jace was only gone for a month or so with the ex that had found me. But it's still a big deal. And she had no clue. As much as it hurts to say it... I barely know my mother. I don't even know her favorite color just like she doesn't know mine. She was a stranger that gave me life. But that was mostly all she was. She was trying to take me away from the people that raised me. The people that know everything about me. She was going to take us away from our older siblings, our protectors. Just so she could attempt to redeem herself in being a mother. If that's even what she wanted. Which I'm not so sure about.

Then the topics came up. "Oh yeah. Remember when Jace ran away with that dumb ex of his?" Asher glared at my mother. She looked shocked as she eyed Jace. Jace looked her dead in the eye. "Oh mom but that's not even half of it!" Jace stated. Suddenly Daniella stood up and gently touched Jaces arm trying to get him to stop. Eli grabbed my hand and gave me a light squeeze. My head stayed down.

"Your youngest daughter was even kidnapped for three months. It was all over the news too. And you had no fucking clue!" Asher yelled. I held my breath as a tear ran down my cheek and fell onto my lap leaving a wet mark on my pants. I could feel my mothers eyes on me. Burning a whole into my soul.

"All you kids do is lie to me!" She started screaming at the top of her lungs as she pushed over the glass lamp we had on the table. I lifted my head up just as she did it, we all watched it fall to the floor and shatter, leaving shards of glass littering the floor like confetti. My mouth dropped open and I quickly wiped away another tear. Even though I barely knew my mother, all the times I've seen her she seemed so put together. She was always very organized and kept her back straight and head up. But now here she was in front of me screaming, breaking things, and trying to get my brothers and I to come with her to a place we have never seen before.

She looked at the oldest two in disgust then down at me. "This is why she needs to come with me! Because you two can't take care of them!" She yelled while she kicked over the coffee table. Eli and I moved our feet as it came crashing down almost on top of them. "What the fuck!" Jace yelled. She lunged forward shoving Asher back. He stumbled a bit before he caught himself. There was anger in her eyes. Like they were full of rage. Like the rage inside was all she knew.

I stood up and she grabbed my by the arm. Her fingers wrapped tightly around my upper arm. I squinched my face already knowing there would be a bruise. "Get off of her!" Jace and Eli yelled in unison. Asher grabbed her hand and pulled her away from me. I rubbed my arm as Eli was checking it.

I always felt so fragile. My siblings saw me as fragile. It wasn't this way before I was kidnapped. Back then if I got a bruise they'd ask why and then it was it. But now they are all over me all the time. Even Ryan sometimes. But I wasn't a baby. I'm still me. Just changed. There's not a lot left of the old me. But I'm still in the same body.

"Eli I'm ok." I whispered to him as I watched Asher and Jace lead our mother away from all of us. Ryan looked shocked at what he had seen. Daniella sat beside him and sighed. Our mother was a mess. Of course we always knew that. I mean. Look at how she left us to fend for ourselves. But we didn't know she would act like this.


I carefully wrapped my towel around my soaking wet body. The bathroom was steamy and hot from my shower. I couldn't see myself in the foggy mirror as I brushed my hair.

After that little incident with our mother my brothers decided to take her out into the backyard with help from Eli to get her to calm down. She eventually did. After an hour of screaming and trying to hit them. When she calmed down she apologized and went up to her bedroom. She wouldn't be staying long. We all knew that. That's something she's never done. Leaving us is like a hobby that she was absolutely amazing at.

Whenever I got dressed to sleep I walked over to my bed. The cold air caused me to get goosebumps. I sat on my bed and put my legs under the covers. I sighed, picking up my phone to look at the texts that Carmen sent me.

Carmen. Aka the only girl I hang out with outside of school aside from my siblings. She's been my friend since sixth grade. Several years ago. She used to go to parties with me... before the kidnapping. But now all we do is watch Netflix together. Or really anything besides parties. They have basically ruined us. Whenever I was kidnapped she was at that same party. Just not with me yet. She still had major guilt from it. I'm not the only one that's suffered from the kidnapping. Several people around me are filled with guilt or fear.

There were several texts from her. A lot of them in caps. Maybe about 76 texts from her in total. This is what I get for not checking her texts all day. I smiled to myself.

Then my smile dropped along with my stomach. The new text on my phone... the unknown text on my phone.... it popped up at the top of my phone in a notification. My eyes immediately went to it. That's what made my stomach churn.

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