Out of jail

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"And you're all clear to go." The doctor happily smiled at me as I put my shirt back down over my pregnant belly. I stood up and wrapped my arm around Delaneys. "We should go get McDonald's." Delaney gushed at her favorite food place. "We are trying to keep Lacey on a healthy food set." Mary smiled at us.

"Oh. Yeah. Of course." Delaney sounded understanding, but I knew she was grieving McDonald's. "Maybe we can get it after the baby is born." I smiled at her, knowing I won't even be here. "Yeah of course!" She smiled.

As soon as we got in the car there was a shadow standing over me, right outside my window. I turned my head and the fear immediately put fear into my body. I looked back at Delaney and she avoided eye contact, keeping her eyes trained on her lap.

Josh. He stood outside my window with a crooked smile looking at me. I looked at Mary, "I'll be right back." I told her as my hands started to shake as they reached for the handle. I pulled it and I slowly opened the door. I stepped out and closed the door quickly.

"Hi." I told him. He immediately grabbed my wrist roughly, pulling me away from the car. I went along, worried for my own safety now.

Delaney went out of my room this morning on a call. She's terrified of Josh. This is how he knew where I was. This is why she wouldn't look at me in the car. She told me. That call was him.

As soon as we got out of sight from the car his hand wrapped around my neck. His eyes were dark and distant. He was mad. Very very mad. His hands tightened around my neck. I've had this happen before. I've had several things done to me.

The difference now is that I'm pregnant. Eight months pregnant.

"What do you want josh." I grabbed onto his wrist as I tried to form a sentence. "Who the fuck was that guy you had fight me?!" He grabbed me by my hair, knowing I can't stand when people touch my hair. Both of my hands were on his wrists. Trying to pull his hands off of my neck and hair.

"He is my friend." I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "You really are a cowardly bitch Rayne." He grinned at me. I looked to the side, waiting for someone to see and stop him. But no one was even around.

"Shut up!" I raised my voice at him as I lifted my knee up, hitting him in his groin, making him fall to the ground. My heartbeat shot up as I stood over him. I brought my foot up and crashed it into his side, making him grunt.

Stupid bitch.

I had brought my foot back into his side.


Then again.

I kept doing it over and over again, so much that no thoughts ran across my head. My foot kept crashing into his body, as I did this he made noises I couldn't make out as words.

"I'm going to kill you." He coughed out as soon as I stopped kicking him. My face stayed straight as I stared down at him. Almost like I wasn't there fully, like this didn't bother me.

"You're the one on the ground." I replied back bluntly as I spun around on my heel, heading back to the parking lot where the car was. I hope he would have a few bruises by tomorrow. But I'll find out at school. I don't doubt that he will try to attack me at school. He's a psycho.

I opened the door and immediately plopped down in my seat, slamming the car door close. "Something happen? Delaney had a worried face the whole time you were gone." Mary asked, turning down her music. "I bet she did have a worried expression." I replied obviously annoyed with her. I knew she was terrified of him, but I couldn't help being mad at her for what she did.

"What happened to your boyfriend?" Mary asked. "Just had to deal with him for a second. Can we just go home?" I asked her. She looked confused but she let it go as she backed out and got onto the road.

"What are you going to do about the baby?" Mary asked. I looked at her with irritation. I always told her that I'd take care of it. But she always insists that I let her and her husband take care of it so I don't lose my adolescence. I told her it wasn't going to happen. But she asks every time we have an appointment. Or even on the regular.

"Take care of it." I responded. She shifted in her seat as we came to a stoplight. "My offer still stands." I knew she would bring it up again. "What offer?" Delaney leaned forward, sticking her head up in the front seats. "We want to take care of her baby. We could raise it like her sibling or something." Mary explained. "Which ISNT happening. I'm raising my baby." I quickly added.

I won't even be here when it's born. I don't care about anything else aside from keeping myself and the baby alive and getting back to Reen and my family to have it. That's my number one goal.

My phone caught my attention as it buzzed with a text. I looked down and flipped it over to where I could see the text.

Josh-bitchass fuck:
Don't expect to get out of this alive.

After the text my stomach churned with worry. Was he actually going to come after me now? I wouldn't doubt it, he's crazy enough.

I guess I'll just have to watch myself from now on. Like ive always done.

Hi. I'm sleepy. So sorry if you didn't like this chapter. ❤️

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