Reens anger

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Without any other thoughts I walked into the alleyway. It was a long stretch. Then there was a turn. And when I turned it was something I thought I'd never think I'd be at.

There were several people, lights, music, betting areas, and a fighting area. People cheered the fighters on. It was crowded so I couldn't really see the people fighting. I know I used to go to parties and stuff. But not anything like this. This was different, something I want used to. I still felt dizzy and light headed but I tried to ignore it.

I squeezed my way passed a few people cheering and betting. Until I could see. I could faintly hear the sound of punches and blood splatter over the screaming and cheering. I watched as one finally punched the other. And the guy fell. I got up closer to see who the winner was.

Oh my Gosh....

I was shocked to see who it was. Reen. MY Reen. Reen Rivers. My shock came to fear as soon as we made eye contact. He was bloody and shirtless. He had a nice body though let me add in. His breathing immediately calmed down as he started walking towards me.

He hopped off the slightly raised platform he fought on and then he stood right in front of me. A few girls snarled. He grabbed my arm roughly and he started to drag me out of the crowd. I let him do it. This time I was in a place I wasn't supposed to be in. But he isn't supposed to be here either.

We went to an area by a wall. The crowd was cheering for the next set of fighters. There were a few people near us. But that didn't matter right now. "What are you doing here?!" He was angry. If this was a cartoon he would have smoke coming off of him... and he would be red. That's how angry he was. Or is. At me.

"I heard noise so I followed." The dizziness was getting worse. Not to mention I was very lightheaded. Suddenly Reens hands were on my arms, pushing me against the brick wall. Causing my head to spin out of control. I knew Reen was mad... but THIS mad? I could barely stand, but his hands roughly squeezing my arms helped me stay up.

"You heard noise and you fucking followed?" He shook me a little. I started to feel fear. I didn't like what he was doing. He was hurting me. It reminded me too much of the kidnapping.

"Reen you're hurting me." I squeaked out. "I'm hurting you?!" He yelled into my ear causing me to whimper. "It's fucking dangerous here! You're lucky I actually got to you!" He kept yelling at me, causing me to tear up. Don't have a panic attack. Don't have a panic attack. Don't make a scene.

"You're the only thing that's dangerous right now!" I yelled back at him as he squeezed my arms tighter. As soon as I said that he relaxed his grip a little bit. I couldn't look up at him so I continued to stare at the floor. "I'm not dangerous compared to others here!" He tried to defend himself, gritting his teeth.

Then he shook me more with frustration and anger towards me. "Reen stop! You're scaring me! Get the fuck off!" I felt a few tears fall down my face as my hands went up to his bare chest and pushed him off. He looked shocked... I could see anger in his eyes though. He just frowned at me as I looked at him with disappointment and fear written all over my face.

"Why would you do that?" I asked trying to catch myself from falling. He didn't answer. Whenever I had enough I turned away and walked out. I turned the corner, walked down the alley, and back into the street. I just can't believe him. What a jerk.

My head was spinning, I felt so disoriented I was wobbling. A few people looked at me but they kept walking. I can't do this anymore. I walked to a wall and leaned on it as people passed by. I put my phone up to my ear. I listen to it ring as I wait. "Hello?" Eli's sleepy voice answered the phone.

I couldn't form words. I couldn't catch my breath. I heard shuffling in the background of our phone call. "Rayne? What's wrong?" He didn't sound fully awake yet. But he did sound more awake than he was. I continued to slowly slide down the wall, not being able to support my body weight anymore.

My eyes were going blurry and my head was spinning. "Rayne?" I heard Eli say my name again but I couldn't spit out any words. My hand dropped to my side, my phone falling with it. Then a woman rushed to me. I couldn't make out a face. Just blond hair and blurriness. My brother was still on the phone as she was asking if I was ok. But I still couldn't speak. Then a few other people came over. And then a shirtless guy. If he wouldn't have talked I wouldn't have known it was him. It was Reen. Asking if I'm ok. Asking the people what happened. But no one knows. I don't even know.

Then my eyes shut. There were brief moments. Them calling 911, me ending up in an ambulance with paramedics all around me, the blond woman was in the ambulance with me, she told me faintly that Reen was in a car behind us. We were going to the hospital. Then my eyes shut again.

"When will you learn when to stop? When will you learn when to stop fucking running?!" The kidnapper kicked me in my stomach, causing me to spit out crimson blood. He continued kicking and then stopped suddenly. He bends down and grabs me by my hair. I look up at him, blood running out of my mouth and down my chin, dripping onto the ground below me.

I gathered up saliva and blood in my mouth and spit it. When it landed on his face he wiped it up and slapped me. I was still content with what I have done though. I would do it again if I could. But by that time he threw my head back down and walked out, leaving me alone in the dark, cold room.

There's no where I'd rather be right now aside from home. I was rude to my siblings. I thought I was tough enough to handle myself, or maybe I just didn't think that anything would happen to me. But disaster can always strike when you least expect it. I want to be in my bed, without this ever happening. I've heard many stories about missing girls that are never found. I wonder if I'll be one of those that are never found. I've always heard stories but I never think it would happen to me. Not in a million years I would've guessed. My friends and siblings must think I'm dead.

It's scary how you can just disappear and no one will ever find you.

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