The sun is gone

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Hello sorry for posting so late. I have been super busy, and no motivation.................. but I will post regularly soon. Uhmmm sorry for the long wait.


I look up, full of hope that my lover was above me. My face fell and tears began to flood my eyes as it wasn't him. It was some guy from my school. He squatted down beside me on the sidewalk. "Lacey right?" He held out a hand and I took it. He stood up and pulled me up too. "Presley." He replied.

"Please help me." I asked in a trembling voice. He looked confused but he nodded anyways. "Help me get to my house before my boyfriend finds me." I grabbed his shirt and squeezed, letting him know I was desperate to get away.

He nodded, grabbing my hand, leading me away. "Where do you live?" He asked me. I told him the address as I held my stomach. "Why are you trying to get away from your boyfriend?" He asked. "Because I hate him." I replied bluntly. It was the truth. I wouldn't lie about that.

He nodded again as we made our way through the crowded street, the street that Josh pulled me through to get to his house. "LACEY!" I heard Josh's familiar voice above the rest of the crowd. "Fuck." I said under my breath, my heart rate speeding up, probably not too good for the baby. "We need to hurry." I told Presley as I frantically looked around, still being pulled by him.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. My eyes went wide as I was whipped around, I was now face to face with the man that had committed a murder. I've been face to face with one before. But not one pretending to be my perfect boyfriend. Presley stopped trying to pull me, realizing that josh caught up to us.

I looked at Presley who was still holding my hand and I looked at josh who was balling his fist, about to hit either of us. Before he could swing at us Presley yanked me back, putting me behind him. He stood in front of me. A few people stopped to look at what was happening.

"What the fuck are you doing you skank?!" Josh asked me, looking at me as I trembled behind Presley. "Don't fucking call her that. No wonder she wants to get away from you!" Presley shoved josh back. "Woah woah woah. Ok guys you need to stop!" A woman and man, middle aged stepped in. "STAY OUT OF THIS!" Josh yelled at them, swinging his fist towards Presley. Presley stayed silent as his head was tossed to the side from Josh's punch.

Blood fell out of his mouth. "You son of a bitch." He finally said, lunging towards Josh, they landed on the ground and began rolling around, punching each other. Blood was everywhere, people gathered around. Fighting means cops.

I looked around desperately as people gathered in, almost everyone with their phones out. Someone could be calling the cops right as we speak. I felt a hand grab me, an onlooker trying to pull me out. "Lacey?!" I heard a female voice call for me. Delaney. My eyes went to Delaney as I was being pulled out of the circle. She immediately took my arm, stopping me from going anywhere. She eyed the woman that has my other arm, "She's my friend. I can take care of her." She said. The other lady let go of my arm, leaving me in the hands of Delaney.

"What the hell is happening?! Why are they fighting?!" She asked me. Tears began streaming down my cheeks. I looked at the ground. "Presley only wanted to help me." I stated with a mumble. She looked at me and then back at the two guys on the floor hitting each other. "Is that guy Presley?" She asked me. I nodded and then she lifted my chin so I would look at her.

Suddenly she was dragging me out of the crowd. I knew the police would be there soon. So did she. I kept one hand on my stomach as I jogged with her away from the scene of the fight. "You have a lot of explaining to do Lacey." She turned her head to tell me as she kept up the pace.

Time skip

I sat on the bed in my room with Delaney in front of me, crisscross with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Josh.... he isn't what you think." I started, knowing that she thought that he was a good person. "Ok.. explain more." She looked at me suspiciously.

"He is an abusive fuck. I hate him and I want nothing to do with him." I told her. She looked surprised at first but her expression changed to darkness and unreadable. She looked at my face and looked at the few bruises I have from him.

"He was like that with her too." She sighed. "Who?" I asked. "Isla." She replied, referring to the red headed girl that he killed. Does she know he killed her?

"Before she died.... he would hit her.... not all the time. But sometimes. Her boyfriend did nothing about it. Lazy fuck. But... Josh was heartbroken when she died... I thought he would've changed." She sighed.

She doesn't know...

Then my eyes opened wide and I grabbed her hand, bringing it to my chest in excitement. She looked at me, shocked, as I did this.

"I'm going to tell you something. You're going to have to believe me. And I'm going to need your help. Can I trust you on this?" I asked her. She glared at me, like she was thinking about something. Then nodded suspiciously.

I typed up my old name on google and pictures of me popped up, along with the funeral, and the grave. "My name isn't lacey." I told her as I handed her my phone. I watched her eyes get wide as she scrolled through the pictures. She looked up at me, way more confused.

"I was brought here by the witness protection program with the name "Lacey", but that doesn't matter now. I want to get back to my family and the father of my baby. Will you please help me?" I asked, knowing I dropped a bomb on her without explaining much. She handed my back my phone and looked at her hands on the bed.

".... yeah... I can help you. But... how?" She asked. I hadn't really thought about it. I was just desperate for help.

Suddenly There was a ding on Delaneys phone. She took it out of her pocket and clicked on the link that was shown. Her mouth dropped open as she showed me what the link had brought her to.

My eyes went wide as I saw two familiar faces on a site. Presley and Josh. Both arrested for fighting. I wasn't worried about Josh. He can rot. But Presley, he is another story

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