Part 5

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          " so where's the pizza?" I ask looking at Bakugo. 'Why is he blushing all the sudden..?' "

Damn pizza guy was out of pizza." "Wha- how?" Kirishima questions. " how would I know moron. We are making pizza now so get your asses in the kitchen." Bakugo says marching over to the pantry. "Okay then I guess we are making pizza." I comment smiling at Kiri.

" (N/n) it's been so long since we've made homemade pizza together!" I comment ruffling her hair as we walk over to Bakugo.

I can feel
Bakugo's subtle glare. "I know right!" She answers smiling at me. " okay so Ill pre heat the oven, can you guys grab the tomato sauce and dough?"

       Me and Bakugo share an intense glance and sprint towards the pantry. Bakugo shoves me out of the way causing me to tumble into (Y/n).

           I land on top of her on the floor. Kiri be more careful." She comments with a slightly annoyed expression on her face. "S-Sorry!"I stuttered blushing.

       "Idiot get off her!" Bakugo says pushing me off her. "It's okay Bakugo I'm not hurt." She says getting to her feet holding out her hand for me to grab.

   " Tch." Bakugo mutters putting the tomato sauce and bread on the counter.


  "Mmmm smells good." I say taking out the pizza from the oven. "I think we did a good job!" I comment walking to the table. Silence.

I look behind me to see Kiri and Bakugo standing far apart from each other glaring intensely at each other. 'These boys are insane..' I think to myself cutting the pizza.

'Why can't those two just get along. It's starting to piss me off.' "Come eat your pizza." I announce putting their plates on the table.

They both break eye contact and walk over sitting down silently. "So how do you guys like UA so far?" Nothing still. 'These morons are still at it. Wait.. oh my god I know what this is about! How come I didn't notice before!'

I stand up as they still are glaring daggers at each other. "Okay I'm done with this! I'm not stupid! You two are acting like 2 year olds! Until you two morons learn to get along , get out of my house." I yell pointing to the door.

"But (N/n) nothing-." Kiri comments shocked. I march over to them, grab both of their hands and drag them to the door.

"What the hell?!" Katsuki comments. I open the door letting them out. "Goodnight you two.." i close the door and walk back to the table to eat my food. 'I love them but, They are both so immature.' I think aggressively chomping on my pepperoni pizza.

" Damn it! Shitty hair you got us kicked out!" I yell with an intense scowl on my face.'now I don't get to spend time with (Y/n). It's all because of him. I've only seen (Y/n) that mad only one other time.'

       " It's not just my fault! Your the one who had to come over after I was already hanging out with her. She deserves someone better than you !" Shitty hair growls getting in my face.

      " WHAT THE HELL YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!" "You heard what I said.. she deserves SOMEONE BETTER. She is too nice for you!" I grab the collar of his shirt tightly.

    "DONT talk shit to me! The ONLY person (Y/n) should be with is me! Not a looser like you!!" I snarl shoving him to the ground walking away. I look back to see him stand up and start walking away.

        I get on my bike and start riding home. 'That idiot doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm obviously the better choice for (Y/n).'
  Time skip
I open the  door to see old hag sitting on the couch watching the news. I close the door and head to the kitchen to eat something.

          "Hey how was it? Did you invite sweet (Y/n) over for dinner?" She asks hearing my footsteps
. "No old hag I didn't." I grumble grabbing the ramen out of the pantry.

       "Katsuki why the hell not? I told you to ask." She replies starting her way over to me. "it's none of your damn business.."

         "It is my damn business so tell me." me and her sit unusually silent while my ramen  boils. "You are impossible child." She finally comments sitting back down.

      'Old hag sure loves (y/n). I can't blame her though..' a blush finds it's way onto my face as I walk upstairs. " Uggh!" I groan planting myself on my bed taking a bite of my ramen. 

  (Y/N) POV
I plop on my bed to see a message from Kiri.

Today 10:23 pm-Kiri✨🤜🤛: Hey (N/n) I'm really sorry for how I was acting.. can you forgive me?
-Yeah I forgive you. Your my best friend even if you act really immature about stupid things.

Today 10:26 pm-Kiri✨🤜🤛: 😅😳thank you  (y/n). I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach on Friday, we can play some volleyball.

Even though I was still kinda mad I couldn't help but smile at the phone. He knew I loved to destroy him in volleyball.

-That would be great. Can't wait to destroy you in volleyball for the one hundredth time😂.

Today 10:30 pm-Kiri✨🤜🤛: Can't Wait either😂


'Well time to go to bed. Second day of school tomorrow !' I slip on a pair of all might sweatpants and a gray T-shirt  and dive into my bed. '

       'The thing is though I have to deal with both of them in the same classroom. You know what, I got to stop thinking about this. Ugh my eyes feel so heavy.' My eyes slowly shut.

Today 2:09 am -Kiri✨🤜🤛: you know you aren't stupid things..


So that's it for now! Sry for not posting in forever I've been on a major writing block and haven't had the inspiration. Thank you for reading! Sry for any typos!


Jealous -Bakugo x reader x kirishima Where stories live. Discover now