Oh Merlin

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"Minerva, have you seen Harry? He was supposed to come and speak to me through floo after lunch, but he never did." Minerva and Draco walked into Minerva's office to find a very upset and confused Sirius Lupin. "Wait. So, he's not with you?"
"No. Why do you two look so terrified?" Sirius began to look sacred himself, "Is it Harry? Oh god what has happened? I will never forgive myself if something happens to my little pup."
"We can't find him, Sirius. He was at potions this morning, but he didn't go to any other classes. Minerva said she looked on the map but couldn't see his name. He wasn't at Hogsmeade, so I thought he would be with you and Remus. But he isn't and now we have no idea where he is, and I will never be able to live with myself if something happens to him!" Draco wailed and sank down into the nearest chair, breathing heavily. Suddenly there was a flash of bright green and Remus appeared in the fireplace, his face riddled with concern.
"Harry. What happened to him. Where the hell is he? What have you done to him? Sirius was supposed to speak to him after lunch. He never turned up. Where. Is. He," Remus's eyes were ablaze with fury.
"We haven't done anything to your son Professor Lupin. We have tried to look for him, but we can't find him. We checked his dorm, but the room was tidy and ready made," Minerva looked with concern at both of Harry's dads, unsure of what to do. Draco looked up.
"We could double check his room. You know. Just in case he did go back"
"Yes. That is a good idea, thank you Mr. Malfoy. Let's go and check his room again."
Remus clung to Sirius's hand and followed the others, now sprinting, to Harry's room that he shared with Ron Weasley. As they arrived, they were greeted with a sight very different to what Minerva had seen earlier. The room was a tip, and there was blood everywhere, all over Harry's side of the room. Covering the bed and floor. His bedside draws had been ransacked, all Harry's sleep potions were smashed, there were papers lying in small pools of blood and a bloodied knife was resting on the destroyed, blood-soaked pillow. Attached to the knife was a small note. Sirius shakily picked up the note and read it out:
'Hello old friends,
We have him now. He is at our mercy. Under our control. You are never getting him back. Not unless he is willing to complete some tasks for us. If he doesn't... Then we may have to cut Harry's stay short. You are to come to the ministry. Friday at seven in the morning. And if you don't come, then... Well. I'll leave you to imagine what might happen. Don't let us down, now will you? Be good boys Remus, Sirius and Draco. I expect ALL of you to be there on Friday. You might get your precious boy back. Just be obedient. And patient.
Speak soon.
"Is... Is this... Harry's blood?" Draco stammered. He took a step back as Remus nodded. Everyone looked terrified. Someone had broken into the school, had a fight with a student, obviously harmed them very severely causing them to lose a huge amount of blood and then kidnapped them.
"Oh, good Merlin. What are we going to do?" Minerva was on the verge of crying so, Draco put his arms around her shoulders. "Well. We have to go to the ministry, don't we? You, me and Draco. Coz if we don't, Merlin knows what the hell will happen to Harry. Just look at what happened here! But before we do, we can go and find Severus and get him to help us make a potion to find Harry," Remus's hand reached out for Sirius's and found Sirius's hand doing the same.
"I can't do this. I can't live knowing that my pup is out there, on his own, without us. Moony, what if he's hurt. Or... Or worse-" He was cut off as Remus pressed his lips against Sirius's.
"We will get to him. I promise, okay Pads?" Remus squeezed Sirius's hand as they broke apart, "Now come on. Let's find Severus."
The four of them made their way from left Harry's room after clearing up and made their way to the dungeons. Minerva and Draco broke off by the great hall and went to Dumbledore's office to explain everything and the two Lupin's carried on to find Severus about the potion.

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