I need him back

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!!TW!! self harm in this part !!TW!!
________________________________Two days past. It was Thursday, the day before they were due to go and see 'L', however, 'L' hadn't contacted them again. Draco wasn't ok and he wasn't eating or sleeping over worry of what might be happening to his boyfriend at that moment. They were due to go to the ministry the next day and that made him excited at the thought of seeing Harry again, but also very, very scared. Severus, Remus and Sirius had almost finished the potion and Minerva and Dumbledore were gathering information. They were searching for anything that might link to Harry's kidnapping. Whenever Draco asked what he could do to help, he was turned away with the same excuses,
'We will find him. We are doing our best. Go and sleep or do classwork. We will deal with this.'
Draco was tired of being treated like that and lost it. That afternoon, when he had no lessons, he was lying on his bed when the tears started to come. Slowly at first, then all at once. He cried and cried, shouting out. Until he couldn't bear it. The ache was too much, and he had to give in. He reached into his bedside table and got out a knife and a towel. He pulled his shirt up and pressed the blade against his stomach. He didn't feel any pain as he drew the knife across himself, blood pouring out. He threw the knife to the side once he had gone across his whole stomach and lay on the towel, crying harder than ever before. This was how Remus found the boy an hour later. Dried blood covering his bed and a deep gash over his stomach.
"Draco," Remus's eye's filled with tears and carefully took the blonde in his arms. Draco groaned in pain and opened his eyes.
"Remus... I... I... I'm sorry," He started crying all over again as Remus held him close, his blood leaking onto Remus's shirt. "It's okay. Sshh. It's okay. Can I take a look?" Remus asked once Draco had calmed down a little. Draco but his lip and nodded hesitantly. He gingerly sat up, wincing as he felt pain pierce through his body, and leaned back against the pillows on his bed. Remus came closer and lifted his shirt in order to look closer at the gash. He took out his wand, cleared the area of blood and inhaled sharply, seeing how deep it really was.
"Merlin's beard. Draco, how did this happen?" He looked up into Draco's eyes.
"Oh, um... I tripped while coming up to my room and... and... um..." Draco didn't finish his sentence and couldn't meet Remus's gaze.
"Draco," Remus gently cupped the Slytherin's face in his hand, "Tell me the truth."
Draco finally looked into Remus's eyes, which were riddled with concern. He started to cry once more.
"I... I did it... With... that," He pointed to the abandoned knife lying at the edge of the bed and Remus carefully, so he didn't aggravate the wound, wrapped his arms around Draco.
"Oh, my boy. Ssshh. It will be okay. Come. Let's go to Madame Pomfrey. She will heal it for you."
"No! It must heal naturally. So, it will leave a scar. That will remind me of the fact that Harry was kidnapped and that I can't do anything to help," Draco pulled his shirt down and tried to pull away from Remus, but the pain was too much. He collapsed back into the werewolf's arms and sniffed, wincing.
"Oh Draco. How long have you been doing this?" Remus stroked Draco's hair as the boy lay in his lap.
"What? I've never done it before!"
"Draco. There are scars all over your chest and stomach. Please. You can trust me. I will help you."
"I... Um... I told you. I've never done it before! I don't know where those scars came from. Probably fights and duels," He looked up at Remus and saw that Remus didn't believe him, "I... Since the beginning of this year. I'm sorry," Draco put his arm up to hide his face as a few silent tears escaped from his eyes.
"Never be sorry. Okay? You have nothing to be sorry for. We can help you. Please Draco. Just let me take you to Madame Pomfrey and let her heal this," Remus bought Draco's arm from his face and smiled. Draco sniffed and finally looked into Remus's eyes.
"Okay," He whispered, and he let Remus carry him to the infirmary. Remus couldn't stay as he had to go back to helping with the potion and Draco told him not to tell anyone about it. Remus nodded sympathetically and, just before he left, he took the boy's hand in his own.
"Draco, you can always come and talk to me if you need to. I will happily help you, okay? If you ever feel the urge, or just need to talk, I will be there. I promise. I will come to your room at half past five tomorrow morning, providing Poppy lets you out. If she doesn't, I will pick you up from here. Rest and don't do anything stupid," Remus squeezed Draco's hand and left him in Poppy Pomfrey's caring hands.

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