Chapter 2 Charles's Son

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Brian sees a mysterious person standing over Dalton, with a blade drawn.

"Get away from him" Brian screams.

"Pesky lights" the mysterious person responds.

"I said get away" Brian screamed, but this time with his eyes shimmering a yellow tint.

"Son of Charles, I presume" the mysterious person replies.

"How do you know my father?" Brian said cautiously, still ready to pounce.

"I'm the son of the person who took his life" the mysterious person laughs, before adding, "I'll leave like you want werewolf, I already have the proof I need."

The person disappears as soon as he finishes his sentence, leaving Brian confused. He walks over to Dalton's bed and shakes him awake.

"Huh, what?" Dalton said, opening his eyes.

"There was just some kid in here with a sword dude," Brian explains.

"How did you even get in here?" Dalton asks, still waking up.

"Basement window, but that doesn't matter dude, did you hear me? There was just some kid in here with a sword!" Brian replied loudly.

"I don't wanna play make-believe man, I'm sick" Dalton replied, giving out a fake cough.

"I'm not making this up dude" Brian replied.

"Where'd he go then?" Dalton asks jokingly.

"He teleported?" Brian said, unsure.

"Teleported?" Dalton replied, dumbfounded.

"I think. Either way, he knew my dad and that isn't good Dally" Brian replied.

"Why is that bad?" Dalton asked, confused.

"Well uh... Don't tell anyone?" Brian stuttered, before asking a question.

"Fine" Dalton answered.

"I'm the Son of Charles," Brian replied.

"Okay so let me get this straight Bri, You're telling me there was this guy with a sword in my room, who knew you dad Charles, one of the heroes of light from the legends and you want me to believe you're not making any of this up?" Dalton asked sarcastically.

"I can prove it to you. Know I'm only doing this for your own safety though. The darks can be really awful people, so can some lights." Brian replied.

"What?" Dalton asked confused.

Brian closed his eyes and when he reopened them they were yellow, with little white streaks in them.

"You got contacts for this gag?" Dalton asked.

"No, I'm a werewolf dude" replied Brian.

"A werewolf really? Aren't those supposed to be hairy?" Dalton replied sarcastically.

"No that's a misconception," Brian answered.

"Bri I don't wanna play man, go home" Dalton replied, rolling his eyes.

"Metalu" Brian snapped, turning into someone completely different.

"You believe me now Dally?" asked Brian as Metalu.

"Come on kid believe him" added Metalu.

"Whoa..." Dalton replied, not being able to believe his eyes.\

"I'm not making this up" Brian replied, turning back into himself.

"So what do we do?" Dalton asks worriedly.

"Let's go talk to my mom, she could probably help us" Brian replied.

"Okay sure, let's go. Let me leave a note and grab my bag and we'll head out." Dalton agreed, getting off his bed and walking towards his desk.

He picked up a piece of paper off his desk and a pen and wrote his mom a note explaining to his mom why he was going to Brian's, but said he was attacked instead of him and left out the part where Brian revealed his identity.

Dalton picked the note up and grabbed his bag off the ground. Then he turned to the door and opened it for both of them.

"One sec I gotta put this on the table before we head out," Dalton said to Brian, as they headed down the stairs.

"Aight, I'll get the door" Brian replied, stopping at the front door a few feet away from the end of the stairs.

Dalton got down the stairs and put the note on top of the kitchen table and proceeded to head towards the door. Brian opened the door for both of them.

The kids grabbed their bikes and started riding up the road towards Brian's house. Brian's house is only a couple of houses north of Dalton's house. When they got there they hurried inside to talk to Brian's mother.

"Hey mom, I need to talk to you," Brian said walking up with Dalton.

"No you can't stay the night it's a school night Bri" Brian's mother replied.

"No Liz, it's not about that," Metalu replied, stepping out of Brian.

"Metalu?" Liz snapped confused and angry.

"I know" Dalton replied. "There's someone after me though" he added, looking down towards the ground.

"What do you mean someone's after you?" asked Liz concerned.

"When I went over to deliver his homework, there was this guy not much older than me, with a sword hanging over Dalton," Brian explained.

"What did the sword look like?" asked Liz.

"It was a black blade, with a silver handle and an octopus in the middle of it," Brian explained.

"Oriculo?" Liz said confused. "It must be one of the Darkness' kids then," Liz replied concerned.

"What do we do?" asked Dalton worried.

"What do you know about the legends that are told in Coulden?" asked Liz.

"Keaton, Charlie, Ben, Kyle, Cheryl, and Ellie are the Heroes names and they are said to have these mythical abilities. Keaton was a hunter, Charlie was a werewolf, Ben was a vampire, Kyle is a healen, Cheryl is a witch, and Ellie was a speeder. They faced off against the Darkness and after they all died, Keaton froze them in stone. That's what the stone statue is supposed to represent at the new city hall." Dalton answered.

"Do you know what the mythicals you named do?" asked Liz curiously.

"I know vampire, witch, werewolf, and hunters, but that's because of movies and books" Dalton answered.

"Humans have mixed up a lot of our origins" Liz replied. "Most of it is based on something true though, it's just blown out of proportions," she added.

"What's the others?" asked Dalton.

"A healen has spit that can instantly heal any wound except death. They can also cast Healing Meadow, a spell that passive heals your energy if you stay in the meadow itself." Liz explained. "A speeder is a creature that can manipulate the wind. They have three different sets of scales, wind, speed, and implosive. Wind scales let them attack with the wind or throw people around with it. The speed scales let them use the wind to go extremely fast, completely invisible to the human eyes. Implosive scales let them create implosions using the air molecules" she added.

"Ben was also a vurou. Vurous can move their muscles around to deliver strong strikes or solid defenses." Liz went on. "Charles my husband, he was also a bricker and Kyle was a spirit bonder." she finished.

"Why didn't you explain them too, mom?" Brian asks confused.

"Yeah what's a bricker and a spirit thingy?" Dalton agreed.

"Follow me to the garage and instead of explaining them to you, Brian will demonstrate those abilities," Liz replied, walking towards the front door.

"Really mom?" Brian asked, wanting reassurance.

"Come on" Liz replied, waving the kids to follow.

"This is about to be so cool," Dalton said, running to catch up to Liz.

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