Chapter 4 Keaton Middle/High School

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"Hey, Dally, wake up dude it's almost time for school," Brian said, shaking Dalton awake.

"I'm up, I'm up," Dalton said sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"We got ten minutes to get ready dude, we overslept," Brian said, taking off towards the door.

Dalton hopped off the top bunk and followed Brian downstairs. They walked into the kitchen where they were met with already made breakfast. It was some scrambled eggs, two strips of bacon and some orange juice.

"Hurry up and eat and I'll take you guys to school," Liz said, walking towards her room.

"Alright, mom" Brian replied. "Let's hurry, so we're not late" he added looking at Dalton.

"Yeah" Dalton replied rubbing his eyes.

Both kids made their way to the table to eat. They sat down and smashed their breakfast really quick. Before Liz got back from her room the kids were already ready for school.

"Did you guys even taste it?" asked Liz amazed.

"It was delicious," Dalton replied.

"Yes!" Brian agreed happily.

"Well alright, off to school then" Liz laughed, grabbing her keys off the table.

The three of them walked outside and got into the car. Liz drove while Brian sat in the passenger seat and Dalton behind him. They went south towards Dalton's house, but continued down the road a little further, before taking a left and traveling east one mile.

They pulled up to Keaton Middle High school. Their school was named after Keaton, the leader of the lights. The school had two floors, the bottom one is for electives and middle schoolers and the top floor is just for high schoolers.

Dalton and Brian got out of the car and waved to Liz goodbye. They headed towards the school and inside, before splitting up for their classes. Dalton had math first thing in the morning, while Brian had science. Science was on the opposite side of the school, while math was the first room on the right after you entered the school.

"See you in Gym dude," Brian said, taking off towards the science class.

"See you man" Dalton replied, walking into math class.

Dalton didn't really hang out with anyone in math, so he stayed quiet most of the class unless he was asked a question. Dalton was exceptional at math and could calculate most problems in his head without any trouble. Some kids bully him about it, but he decided they were just jealous of it.

The teacher's name was Mr. Binary, he was still pretty young for being a teacher. He has brown hair, with hazel eyes, along with a nice leather jacket. 

"Alright remember class, homework is on pages 2-5." Mr. Binary said.

The kids remained silent gathering their things before the bell rang. When the bell rang the teacher dismissed them from class and they headed to the next. Dalton had science next so he made his way towards the back of the school.

Dalton sat next to Grace in science, so he spent most of his time talking to her and getting help on his homework. Dalton was great at the equations but was horrible at remembering the elements.

The science teacher was your typically mad scientist troupe, he wore some wacky glasses and a lab coat every day. He also never took off his gloves for anything he did, unless it was to wash his hands. The science teacher's name was Mr. Adam.

"Hey, Dally, thank you for yesterday," Grace said, as Dalton sat down.

"Anytime Gracie, I'm still always here for you" Dalton replied, smiling.

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