Chapter 7 The Fort In The Woods

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"Dang it, Cole's at the house" Dalton sighed, noticing Cole's cop car.

"You wanna hang out at the park till he leaves" asked Nicolas.

"We could go explore the old fort if you guys wanted to?" pitched Brian.

"Yeah let's go check it out, I haven't been there since we hung out with Wyatt. Before he got arrested and sent to boot camp" Nicolas urged.

"I'm down" Dalton agreed.

"Anyone hear from Wyatt?" asked Brian, while they walked towards the park.

"I haven't" Dalton replied immediately.

"You still hold a grudge against him, don't you Dally," asked Nicolas.

"Yeah I do" Dalton replied.

"It was over a year ago man, get over it" Nicolas replied.

"Yeah dude" Brian agreed.

"He stole my girlfriend, screw him," Dalton replied, laughing towards the end. "Seriously though, I miss him" he added.

"Me too" Brian and Nicolas agreed.

The kids made their way into a hidden entrance covered by the growth of the woods. They made their way through until they made their way to a giant opening in the middle of the woods. The opening was about two miles into the woods, were only two trees in the middle, supporting a tree-house.

"Boys is that you?" asked Nosaes, popping her head out the window of the tree-house.

"Yeah, it's us" Nicolas replied, waving to her.

"Man it's been a while since all five of us were here." said Grace, walking out on the patio porch.

"The whole gangs here!" Dalton exclaimed.

"Looks like it" replied Nosaes. "Now get on up here" she adds, before heading back inside.

Their tree fort seemed like an actual house in between two sturdy oak trees. It was one floor but had a loft towards the back of it and a giant outside porch, put up using giant wooden planks. There was also a back porch that had a small garden, Grace used to take care of, but now is overgrown with weeds.

"What happened to your garden, Gracie?" Brian asked, looking out the back window.

"We stopped coming here" Grace replied.

"Why are you guys here today?" asked Dalton walking up.

"Well when we hung out at lunch today, it gave me and Grace the idea to come spend the rest of our day here and reminisce." Nosaes answered, closing the door behind Nicolas.

"That's sweet of you guys," Brian said mockingly.

"Don't flatter yourself too much" Grace replied laughing at the end.

"I was only joking," Brian replied.

"Me too" Grace replied with a smile.

"Y'all just the cutest, huh" laughed Nicolas at Brian and Grace.

"Ewww" Grace screamed jokingly.

"Yeah, not in a million years" Brian agreed.

"So what brings you guys here?" Nosaes asked Dalton.

"Well Cole was at my house and I didn't wanna go home, so Brian pitched the idea to come here and we were all for it" Dalton replied laughing at the end.

"You wanna know what I think?" Grace said. "We should start coming here to hang out at least once a week" she added.

"Yeah, I miss hanging out as a group" Brian agreed.

"I'm down" Nosaes shrugged.

"Me too" Dalton agreed.

"Count me in" Nicolas said.

"Then it's settled every Wednesday we'll come here to hang out again" Grace replied to everyone.

"You guys are way too cute" mocked a voice, coming from the front patio.

"Who's there" shouted Nicolas.

"Out on the patio," Brian said.

"The name's Harumiya" Harumiya replied.

"What do you want?" asked Brian.

"Guys calm down" Grace butted in.

"Their right. You five should be worried about me." Harumiya replied. "I'm the boss of the level you are in right now, but I'm not losing the game" she added, drawing a sword out of nowhere.

"What are you?" asked Dalton.

"I'm a samurai" She replied taking off towards them.

Before anyone reacted Nosaes and her were clashing blades. Harumiya was surprised that she was stopped so quickly.

"Speeder?" she asked, still clashing blades.

"Shadow hopper" Nosaes replied, vanishing.

Nosaes reappeared and threw Harumiya over the edge of the railing. Harumiya smacked the ground below them.

"Ninja beats samurai any day of the week" Nosaes yelled from above.

"This game got a bit more interesting" Harumiya replied, before equipping another sword. "I'll be back later for you ninja" Harumiya replied before taking off.

"Nosaes?" asked Dalton.

"Sit down and I'll explain everything" Nosaes replied, her sword disappearing.

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