Chapter 5 After School Studies

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"Aye, Dally," Scott said, walking up, blocking the door to history class.

"Leave us alone," Grace said.

"I just wanted to say thank you. I talked to my mom and I feel awful, man... I'm not sure what got into me, but I won't bother any of you again," Scott said before shaking Dalton's hand.

"Anytime man, just make sure you keep your head high and aim for your goals," Dalton replied with a warm smile.

"Right, I'll see you in the martial arts club," Scott replied walking away.

"I didn't expect that," Grace replied surprised.

"Me neither" Dalton agreed.

"Come on, we're gonna be late," Nicolas said opening the door.

They walked into class, but all sat in different areas so they couldn't socialize much. Today was also an exceptionally boring day, all they did was take notes all class. The teacher would read them out loud as the kids wrote it down.

The history teacher's name was Mr. Atlas and he is a history nut, crazy about the phrase "history like to repeat itself, but only if you let it". He's a pretty heavyset older dude and has a stern appearance he got from serving in the military. He's still a really understanding teacher besides all that, but only if your on his good side.

At the end of class, the teacher told them there would be a quiz, over the notes tomorrow. When she finished the bell rang and the kids gathered their things and headed to their next class.

"You still coming over after school today?" Nicolas asked, catching Dalton before he headed out.

"Yeah man, I gotta learn these elements before Monday" replied Dalton.

"Alright, I'll meet you in the Martial arts club then," Nicolas replied, before taking off.

"See you then" Dalton replied, heading towards English.

The English teacher's name is Mrs. Novell and she's a pretty timid person, but gets very worked up when talking about literature and poems. She's always in some ironic t-shirt and keeps up with all the current trends and loves memes and loves teaching in some crazy ways. 

He shared this class with Brian and Nosaes and they're all partnered up along with Sean on an English project. The kids worked on their project for the entire class. The project was on a couple, who fell in love in medieval times and ended up killing themselves.

"This is boring" Nosaes sighed.

"I agree," Sean said, putting the book down.

"It's not that bad. This old English kinda sucks though" Brian argued.

"I don't understand any of it," Dalton agreed.

"I understand that part I just don't like the story, it's dumb" Nosaes argued.

"No, It's a sweet love story" Brian replied.

"It doesn't matter either way. We still gotta do it, so let's get it done" Dalton butted in trying to stop the bickering.

"He's right" Sean agreed.

The kids picked the books back up and proceeded to read until the bell rang. Dalton and Brian headed to their class together.

"I'm the one stuck writing the book report" Brian sighed.

"I understand some of the concepts, the words are just hard for me" Dalton replied.

"Hopefully Sean feels the same way," Brian said.

"I hope so. Nosaes is definitely not the one for love stories though." Dalton replied.

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