Chapter 6 Ben's Son

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"Man I can't believe I lost every single game. When did you get so good Dally?" asked Nicolas.

"I've been practicing a lot lately. It's easy for me to make predictions and hit my tech, but I'm not good at combos yet" Dalton replied.

"What's that" Nicolas said turning around.

Out of nowhere both Dalton and Nicolas hear a loud voice chanting "Hidden inside"

Nicolas screams "Dalton! Get behind me this is a type of spell." 

 Dalton rushes quickly behind Nicolas, confused what's going on and how'd Nicolas knew it was a spell. A lot of thoughts raced through his head before asking "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure, but we might have to fight" answered Nicolas.

"A fight? You think you could handle me Nick?" mocked a guy, wearing a black hoodie. He was about their age, maybe a year or two older.

"Watch yourself." Nicolas replied.

"I could kill you both where you stand, but that's not really my mission." the guy


"Were you the one in my house?" asked Dalton.

"So Charles' son told you, so I assume he showed you his powers too?" asked the

guy. "Answer my question and I'll answer yours?" he added laughing.

"Yeah he did" Dalton answered quickly.

"That was fast. " the guy said smirking. "My mission is to get info on the kids of light and Dalton J. Light." he added.

"Why do you want info on Dally and Brian?" Snapped Nicolas, his eyes turning bloodshot, before growing a sharp set of nails.

"Come at me Nick, reveal yourself to Dally" the guy replied.

"Okay." Nicolas said faintly. "Tristopher. I'm gonna kill you." he snapped, taking off at an incredible speeds.

"How?" Tristoper started to say, before getting punched hard.

Nicolas struck him again and again, before delivering a kick that sent him flying into the wall. Tristopher stood back up and equipped a sword that looked identical to the one Brian explained. Tristoper tried to stab Nicolas, but he grabbed the sword with what seemed like a deformed arm. The sword grew towards Nicolas, but Nicolas threw it to the side and tackled Tristopher.

"Swap Sides," Tristopher said as he hit the ground. This caused Nicolas and Tristopher to swap positions.

Tristopher started in on Nicolas, slamming his fists hard into Nicolas. Nicolas couldn't break free from Tristopher, so he was just cradled up trying to minimize the damage. Tristopher equips his sword and goes to do a downward stab, but was tackled off by Dalton.

Dalton and Tristopher wrestled around the ground before Tristopher flipped him over. Tristopher went to get up but was slammed back down by Nicolas.

"Stay put!" snapped Nicolas.

"Vanish" Tristopher snapped, causing everything to turn back to normal.

"Where did he go?" asked Dalton, getting back up.

"He left with that spell," Nicolas replied. "Do me a favour Dally?" he adds, looking up at Dalton.

"Yeah?" Dalton asked, noticing the bloodshot eyes.

"Don't tell anyone that I'm Ben's son. I'm a vampire and a vurou mix.' ' Nicolas replied, his eyes turning normal.

"I won't," Dalton replied.

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