You're a Baby

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Ender did not take the spoon. Let Meiji force feed him. He didn't care. He was to command, nothing more. As long as he cooperated with that, he didn't have to eat or drink. He could waste away.

It's not as if his performance mattered.

Meiji looked at him for a very long time before his face went dark. He gripped Ender's chin just as he had done before but this time with much more force.

He pryed Ender's jaw open like you would a dog and shoved the spoon full of food in his mouth.

Meiji's hands on him hurt his jaw and Ender didn't like it. He squirmed and grabbed a hold of Meiji's wrist, trying to push his hand away. Meiji was just too strong.

"What? You don't like it when I feed you?" Meiji asked as he held Ender's jaw closed. He waited for him to swallow - you really don't need to chew- before grabbing another spoonful.

"Next time take the damn spoon so I don't have to feed you like a baby."

Ender squirmed and whimpered. It really hurt. He had never felt so powerless in his life.

Soon, he gave up the struggle and let Meiji do his job. Meiji become much less forceful and it didn't hurt so much anymore, though, Ender knew, his jaw would be sore for the next few days. A grim reminder of his captivity.

Meiji's hand never left Ender's face for the duration of the meal. Whether he was asserting dominance or keeping Ender still, Ender didn't know.

The next few days passed slowly and seemed to drain Ender even though they were restful and he was without responsibility.

Although Ender had taken to feeding himself quite happily, Meiji would sometimes ignore it and force feed Ender again.

Ender hated it.

It took away his dignity, his freedom. He felt helpless and defenseless when hr couldn't move but to chew and swollow.

The one time he tried to take the spoon from Meiji, all he got was food to clean up off the floor. For, Meiji would not let go of the spoon. The harder Ender pulled, the harder Meiji gripped. This resulted in Ender catapulting the food off of the spoon and onto the floor.
Meiji gave him a napkin.

Most of the time, they didn't speak to one another. Ender was- for the most part- left alone. Twice a day, Meiji would give him a towel and a new change of clothes. Three times a day he was given a tray of food. Other than that, bathroom breaks were up to him and his day was free.

On the fourth day, when Ender woke, Meiji was preparing breakfast. Ender stood from his bed, a tiny little thing located in the only other room where Meiji also slept, and went to sit at the table that they put in the "mess hall." Which was a tiny space that also functioned as the kitchen.

When he was done, Meiji crouched down infront of him and put the spoon (full of food) to Ender's mouth. He wanted to feed Ender again.

Instead of taking the food, Ender spoke, for maybe the first time in days.

"I don't want you to feed me."

Meiji raised a brow and looked at Ender.

"That's funny coming from a baby."

Ender's face hardend and he gritted his teeth.

"I'm not a baby."

"Really? You sure do act like one," Meiji pushed the spoon into Ender's mouth, getting food all over his lips.

Ender reached for a napkin, but Meiji stopped him.

"Look at you. You're supposed to be this war machine, but you don't fight back when I force food into your mouth. You give up your fights much too quickly to be of any help to China. The first time I see you, I have to clean the tears off your face, then I have to tell you to shower, I have to make you food everyday. What do you do?
You sit here and pout."

He took a hadful of Ender's hair and pulled him close.
"You. Are. A. Baby."

Ender was seething. He wanted to punch the man, to hurt him, but he didn't. That's just what Meiji wanted- for Ender to throw a tantrum.

Ender looked at him in the eye, challenging him. He would not back down to this glorified teenager.

Meiji pushed Ender back roughfly. Ender toppled down, only catching himself at the last minute. His nose mere centimeters away from the hard metal of the floor.

"You do nothing to fight back. You are weak, powerless without people under your control. Now that it's just you and I, you have nothing to stop me from killing you."

"But you won't."

Meiji waited for him to go on, so he did.

"I'm valuable to China, you wont kill me."

"You are valuable to the world, Wiggin. The honerable thing would be to kill you."

Ender shuddered and sat up. He knew Meiji was right.

"Then kill me already."

At his words, Meiji shot towards him much faster than he expected. Ender was pushed back onto the floor and his head hit the metal with loud crack.

Ender groaned in pain. Panicking, he threw a kick at Meiji, who caught his leg and held it still.

Ender used the leverage to knee Meiji in the chin, but Meiji didn't let go. He went for it again and Meiji caught his other leg.

Ender struggled, but Meiji didn't move. Blood started dripping from his upper lip where he bit through when Ender hit him.

When Ender realized Meiji wasn't going to move, he relaxed, but kept watching.

But Meiji didn't go for the kill. He stood up, picked up the spoon, and looked expectantly at Ender.

"So after all that I still can't fucking feed myself?"

"You're finaly starting to pick up my way of speaking, you little basterd. Tomorrow you can show me how manly you are, by taking care of yourself for a change. I don't want to babysit you."

"I know how to feed and dress myself. I never asked for you to do it for me."

"If I didn't then who would have? You're too afraid to do it yourself, so it was up to me to keep you alive."

"I'm not afrai-"

"That's right, you're just a baby."

___ ___ ___

hello my precious little things!

I decided to update again because I can't seem to take my mind off of the story.

Please keep in mind that it took a few weeks for them to get where they are, and it will take a few more to get them back to Earth.

Anyways, have a lovely day!

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