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Meiji shoved Ender playfully as they walked just out of sight of Penelope and Valentine. They were on their way to the gym. Ender didn't like the way Meiji put up such a front with Penelope. Always being touchy with Ender and throwing suggestive glances his way when she was around. It was hurting her feelings and above all, keeping Ender from Valentine.

When they were alone, though, Meiji acted as he used to. He's flirty by nature, Ender knew, but it wasn't overpowering. When they worked in their shared room, when they kept up with the ever-decreasing endurance in the gym, or when they went to sleep, Meiji kept to himself. Only commenting here and there on what Ender was doing.

He also called him "boy" a lot more, which was becoming rather annoying. Even so, it was better than "hot stuff" or "Andrew". Both of which he had used in the past.

Ender was starting to wonder if he really hated Penelope that much.

Ender was also starting to wonder why he didn't have more work to keep his mind off of such things.

"Meiji, " he started, laying down on the mat and getting ready to do sit-ups. "Why do you insist on pushing her limits?"

Meiji was determined to act as if he knew nothing today, it seemed because he responded with: "Pushing whose limits?"

"Penelope's." Ender deadpanned.

"I don't think I'm pushing her limits at all."

Ender continued with his exercise, knowing that if he didn't speak, Meiji would fill the silence.

"... and I don't like her."

Ender stopped, laying flat on his back.

"I thought all you damn Battle School kids were supposed to be smart."

"Penelope's smart."

"Not like you, and not like Alai, either. Even if she is somewhat smart, she's so selfish and brooding... I can't help but tease her a little." he flashed a half-smile at Ender.

"This is more than a little."

"It's not like you've made a move to close the gap."

"You know I can't. I need to make it clear that I don't like her."

"Then why should I try to befriend her?"

"You don't have to befriend her. Just quit teasing her."

"And what if she falls for me, then, huh?"

Ender smiled at him from his place on the floor.
"I would have two people off of my back."

Meiji glanced down at him. "Good to know you're still an introvert."

"Can't help what I don't like."

Meiji paused for a moment, hesitating in his own routine.
"You heard her talking about you earlier, didn't you?"

Ender laughed softly. "It was kind of hard not to."


"And what? They're just rumors."

"And you aren't going to confront her?"

"No." Ender didn't feel that he needed to. Let Penelope believe what she wanted to believe. It wouldn't change how he saw her. As his soldier, not his lover.

"I liked it better when you were full of anger and in a hurry to prove yourself."

"Only because it gave you something to do."

"Did you know that you grew taller?"

"I thought your clothes were fitting me better."

"I daresay they look good on you too."

"You would say that."

By now, Ender had done about fifteen sit-ups and moved on to push-ups. He felt a slight weight on the small of his back. He looked back to see Meiji pressing down on him. Meiji smiled.

"You look like you need a little more muscle in your arms."

Ender didn't object, doing the pushups as quickly and efficiently as he would have done if Meiji wasn't there. Though it was a bit more grueling this time.

He did the same for Meiji and they switched places. But instead of just pushing down with his hands, Ender had to actually sit cross-legged on Meiji's back.

It made Ender wonder what on earth Meiji did when he went to the gym alone. They weren't too far apart in height anymore, so it was strange that Ender was so much weaker.

"It's almost as if you weigh nothing, Ender. Why don't you eat a little more?"

"Maybe you just need to focus on exercising a different part of your body."

Ender could hear the playful frown in Meiji's voice.
"But I do exercise other parts of my body."

Ender didn't respond. Something about that day-- that week, really-- had worn him out. He wanted to sleep. Maybe it was the constant worry in the back of his mind. About Penelope, Shakespeare, or even the people back on Earth. The one's who are long dead.

"You've gone quiet. Looks like it's time to sleep."

"I've hardly done anything."

"You've done enough. Get off. Go to bed."

Ender did get off, but he didn't make it very far to the door before Meiji caught his arm and pulled him back. Ender raised an eyebrow.

"You, uh, didn't really touch Alai, right?"

Ender couldn't help the "oh" that his lips formed. This was unexpected.

"No. I didn't touch him. He kissed me." Ender touched his cheek. "Right here. Same as you did."

Ender was quick to reassure. He figured Meiji didn't like the idea of someone laying his hands on his little brother.

But maybe that's not what he was thinking at all. Or at least, maybe that was only part of it.

Meiji pulled him down and pressed his lips against Ender's forehead, one hand on the back of Ender's neck, before pushing him away.

"Now I've got something more than he has. Now go shower. You stink."

"You're not going to pull me back again?"

"I've got what I wanted, now go."

Ender gave a mock salute and left quickly, taking his towel as he went.

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