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Meiji didn't leave. While Ender struggled to fall asleep again, his limbs aching, Meiji didn't move from his spot on the floor next to him. This is good, thought Ender. I won't have to worry about another panic attack tonight. I have Meiji.

Ender was facing Meiji, his blanket pulled up to his nose, watching. He sat cross-legged, one arm cushioning his head as he lay it down on Ender's bed, the other lying limp on his lap.

"Meiji, " he said just above a whisper. Meiji lifted his head to look at Ender, only to find that Ender was looking away. He didn't want to meet his gaze. He had questions that he needed answers to.

"Why did you take this job?" He asked, his voice monotone.

Meiji stayed quiet for a very long time. Ender began to think he wasn't going to answer, but he didn't try to fill the silence. He didn't want to push Meiji, just as Meiji didn't push him a few weeks ago.

But eventually, as Ender's eyes began to feel heavy, Meiji spoke in a quiet but steady voice.

"Are you sure you want to hear that?"

"Why else would I ask?"

Meiji sighed. "I'm trying to tell you that the answer I have is not the one you want to hear." He rubbed his forehead with his fingers, his brows furrowed in impatience.

Ender would never get used to seeing this face on Meiji. He found it... amusing, to say the least, that he could get so angry. Though I guess now I can't really judge. Not after the tantrums I threw.

"Well, I guess it's good I don't have anything I want to hear, isn't it?" Ender looked at him. They held eye contact for little more than a second before Meiji broke off, looking at the floor.

"I'm not telling you."

"You don't have to be afraid of losing me. Even though you kidnapped me and forcibly cared for my needs, you have my respect." Even so, it was still possible Meiji is merely faking. Ender wasn't oblivious to the common intent of criminals.

"Just your respect?" Ender was taken aback by his question. Was he looking for a more personal relationship with me this whole time?

"What, would you rather me be your lover? Tough pass, eemo, I'd rather be your friend."

Ender could almost see Meiji roll his eyes even though he was facing away now.

"You only wish I were your lover, but I'm too good for the likes of you."

Ender cursed himself silently. He had let himself get caught up in banter.

"I'm not going to run away, Meiji. It's not like I have anywhere to go."

He watched as Meiji went quiet. He was trying to decide whether or not he should tell him, that much Ender knew. Come on, Meiji, Ender thought. Trust me.

Meiji sighed, his hand covering his face as if in embarrassment.
"I took this job because... because I hated you."

Ender didn't respond, waiting for him to elaborate.

"... I wanted to kill you. I didn't lie about taking the job because of money, but it was mainly because I knew I would be coming face to face with you."

He laughed cynically. "You know, I even bribed Muhamad, the one who is looking after the girls, to make sure that I had you. I paid a lot of money to get my hands on you."

"Now you have me."

"Yeah, I have you, but I can't bring myself to kill you. You're not at all what Alai said you were, so I can't kill you."

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