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This chapter contains explicit content. Read at your own risk. There will be a notification before it gets too heated.

After getting settled down in Shakespeare and months after he killed Alessandra, Ender took to his duties as governor. It was hard to get back into working so suddenly, but he'd been through worse and besides, he was glad to have something to keep him occupied.

It wasn't long before Ender fell back into the habit of researching the Formics again as well. The information the IF had piled up while Ender was away was astounding. Ender found himself getting distracted in his work with thoughts of the Buggers.

This week has all been dedicated to minimizing the effects of Quincy and his daughter Alessandra. Both of whom royally fucked with the state of the colony. Not only that, but the week had been full of remorse and self doubt as he tried to convince himself he made the right decision when he killed her.

Of course, even when Ender worked so hard to quicken the healing of the people and himself, he could only do so much. It was apparent that it would take months for the colony to be able to run smoothly again. An approximated five years for it to heal.

But this was all Ender's speculation and there was no real proof to it. In the meantime, Ender could only wait.

Ender thanked the men he was with and walked out of the meeting. The sun was low and setting the sky aglow with fire. Ender's day had come to a close, but not without much to think about.

On their most recent trip, the Xenobiologists, who had been out of commissions for the past few generations, had found caves filled with metal chewing bugs.

They were mostly dead, save for one or two who were so small, they were hardly anything like their ancestors. The size of ladybugs.

Ender had them under the knife immediately, of course. They were descendants of the Formics, and so, could be useful.

When Ender reached his home, he didn't bother to call out a greeting to Meiji, whom he shared it with. He would know who was there just by the way Ender walked. It was the price Ender had to pay for letting himself be captured those years ago.

Ender slumped down at his desk in the living room and leaned back in the chair. He breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

"You look like hell."

"Nice to see you too, Meiji." Ender replied, his eyes still closed. He heard Meiji come closer, but didn't move away. After all, Ender had given him the green light, so he could do what he wanted as long as Ender didn't say no.

Ender felt Meiji's hand on his cheek, so he opened his eyes. Meiji looked down at him with an unreadable expression.

"Your hair is getting a little long. You want me to cut it?"

"You're one to talk. When did you last trim your hair?" Meiji's hand moved from Ender's cheek down to his chest. Ender knew his heart was racing, but he didn't care if Meiji felt it. Ender knew it was the same with him.

Ender watched as Meiji thumbed the neck of his shirt and then pulled his hand back, turning as if to walk away.

Ender caught his sleeve.

"I don't mind today," he said, pulling Meiji back. Meiji's eyes hardened.

"You don't know what you're asking for."

"Even if I don't, you do. I trust you implicitly." Ender knew what he was allowing. He was seventeen now. He could admit that it had been on his mind occasionally.

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