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jimin sighed as he wiped down the kitchen counter. he and his husband jeongguk had just finished their dinner for the night, now jimin was left alone in the isolating kitchen.

jeongguk had left to their shared bedroom to change into his police uniform for his night shift.

jimin was used to this routine however. it was the same thing almost daily.

jimin would wake up to an empty bed at 6 am, go downstairs and make breakfast for one. he would eat slowly, never once finishing his meal. 'I'm too fat for that... jeongguk would really leave me then' he would tell himself almost constantly. he would then go to work and spend hours helping sick and injured animals.

that was the best part of his day, seeing animals go back to their happily smiling owners because of him.

then he would go back home, make dinner for 2 and finally eat with his beloved husband who would tell him about his day and then their moments would be over.

jimin was once again left to clean up the remnants of their meal, looking at his empty plate with disgust. "no wonder gukkie leaves me so much... look how much of a disgusting fat pig I am," he chuckled to himself bitterly as he put the dishes in the dishwasher.

he felt tears roll down his cheeks as he absentmindedly switched the dishwasher on, neglecting the heat streaming down his face.

he was sick of it. sick of the feeling of loneliness. sick of the pain of failing in his career and relationship.

that's all he thought he was.
a fat, ugly failure.

jimin fell to his knees in a fit of sobs, not acknowledging the sound of footsteps running down the stairs of their house.

he just wanted it to end, he wanted to be able to be happy with his husband once more.

"jimin-ah?" jeongguk gasped at the sight of his precious husband sobbing hopelessly on their kitchen floor.

jimin just looked at him tearfully before he felt his small body being wrapped up in his lover's arms. "what's the matter?" jeongguk asked softly. jimin just whined louder at the question and felt another waterfall of tears flow from his eyes.

jeongguk sighed and looked at the clock. fuck being on time. my precious baby's crying. he growled to himself silently as his finger's coursed through jimin's baby pink locks. 

minutes went by and jimin's wails soon silenced themselves and now the small man whimpered into the officer's shoulder. "gukkie~" he spoke up finally with a voice hoarse from crying.

"i-i'm s-sorry..." he apologised and jeongguk gazed at him in confusion. "sorry for what baby? you dont have to apologise for-"
"for never being good enough!"

to say the officer was taken aback by the statement would be an understatement. he suddenly felt himself get swallowed by a pit of relentless guilt. he caused this...

"baby... jiminie... look at me. you are more than enough for me, okay? you, my gorgeous husband, are perfect okay? I'm so fucking sorry I haven't been here as often as I used to... but I'm doing this for us, okay? I'll take less shifts, I promise... we can have a mini vacation, gorgeous. come on, baby. show me my angelic husband's smile!"

jimin giggled and beamed brightly through his tears, eyes sparkling as they curled up into crescents. god, jeongguk was in love with this man.

"jimin-ah... I have an... idea. well... you may be against it at first but... well... I just... I want... I want more. I know you take care of animals a lot and-and... back in high school y-you... well... I-I would... I would take care of you and- ... do... do you know what little space is?"


"little space..." jimin hummed to himself as his eyes peered at his laptop screen.

jeongguk had set off to his shift and this time, jimin didn't complain to being left alone since it gave him more time to research the provocative idea that jeongguk had come up with.

"little space is the mindset an adult goes into in order to relieve stress..." jimin began, already somewhat interested. in this headspace, the adult will partake in childish activities such as colouring book? toys?! s-sucking a pacifier?!...what the hell jeongguk?" jimin muttered to himself, now awestruck, yet not disgusted.

"whilst in little space, adults may have a person labelled a 'caregiver' who takes care of the little like their child- o-oh.... that's what jeonggukie meant by 'take care of me"


when jeongguk walked into their house late the next morning, he was expected to be greeted with deafening silence as usual.

he was not, however, expecting a brightly clothed jimin to rush towards him excitedly. "gukkie!!"

word count: 804 words

it's your.. uh.. that one author who writes absolute garbage that people seem to like!

I'm actually really excited to write this fic, to be honest! I've been reading a lot of stories similar to it and I love the concept!
in this fic, btw, jimin is 24 and jungkook is 22... like irl

but oH wElL you're blessed with a jikook fic now

I love you

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