Don't Stop || Carl Grimes

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Melody Rose Carpenter, or Rose, is a 14 year old girl that's been through hell and back. She's surviving in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

She always carries around her pocket knife and glock 19. Her mother gave her the pocket knife, it was very important to her. Her sister, Penelope, gave her the glock.

Melody's father died before she was born in a car accident, or at least that's what she was told. Penelope was adopted, so she never remembered him. There weren't any pictures of him either.

Melody ironically hated playing any instruments. But she did love singing. She's sort of just weird like that, I guess.

Out of all the three camps that Melody has been at, they have all been overrun eventually. The first one was where her mom died.

Not even 2 months later at the next camp, Penelope died.

At the third one, and final, her and Bethany were the only survivors. Bethany and Melody had been best friends since 1st grade.

They were together for quite a while, about a month actually, until one day, they were separated by another herd. Melody doesn't know if she's alive or not.

There's also one more thing I guess I forgot to tell you guys. She's very defensive and doesn't take crap from anybody, unless it was her family, old groups, or Bethany.

You have a thick skull, Melody, just like your father.


This fanfiction contains violence, killing zombies (walkers) and strong language at times!

{Traits and Appearance of Melody}

Hair color: Dirty blonde

Eye color: Hazel/Green

Height: 5' 2"

Age: 14

Actress I vision: Willow Shields

Personality: Defensive and cold at first, but once you know her, she becomes really funny and sweet, but still protective about her previous life.

Hope you enjoy! :)

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