Chapter 5

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.:Melody's POV:.

5 days later.

Running. That's what it always seems to come down to. Endless. Just running.

Walkers on your tail every step of the way, making your heart pound, making your sweat glisten, making you want to give up.

A thin coat of blood lay upon my skin, painting it a dark red color. It made me look dead, but didn't convince the dead.

I turned around and fired two shots, them breaking the silence, other than the moans and my panting. {That sounds really wrong.} Two walkers fell dead to the ground. Around ten were still chasing me, though.

I continued to run until I got even more tired. I fired until I was out of ammo and had to reload.

The gunshots had been so loud, echoing through the dark woodsy area. The three walkers' footsteps kept getting closer and closer to me as I started to slow down.

I took my pocket knife out and stabbed the first one in the eye. The second one came too quickly, and I kicked it back, sending it flying into the third one.

I stepped on the top one's head, and brains splattered everywhere. The other one was still trying to sit up.

I took the butt of my gun and repeatedly hit it's face, until it was just a pile of blood. I stopped and fell back onto the grass, completely out of energy and dehydrated.

I sat up and dug through my bag, looking for water. I found my small water bottle and discovered it was half full. I unscrewed the cap and drank a few sips of it, before putting it back in my bag.

I stood up and started walking again. It was starting to get pretty dark out, and I could barely see anything. But I could hear.

And that's when I heard the low rumble of a car engine. I quickly dodged behind a bush and watched it speed by. On the back of it was a white cross. I paid it no mind.

I heard the click of a gun, and the cool metal press against the base of my skull.

"Drop the bag, and turn around," a female voice ordered. I sighed and dropped the bag, turning around.

In front of me was a woman with short grey hair. I watched as she lowered her gun slightly.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"What's it to you?" I replied. She re aimed her gun.

"How many walkers have you killed?" She asked, like she was in a hurry. What, does everybody ask that question?

"A lot."


"One, threatened my friend," I said, "and before you ask, here." I showed her my weapons.

"I'm Carol," she said. She showed me her weapons.

"Melody," I said.

"You're welcome to join me, I gotta go," she said. She started running in the direction the car went, giving me no choice but to follow the mysterious woman.

"Why are you running?" I asked.

"They took the person I was with," she answered. My heart was pounding and I was sweating terribly.

"Always seems to come down to running," I said.


We continued to chase the car the entire night, but soon, she started to slow down to a stop. I stopped too and watched her fall to the ground, beating her fist on it.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She stood up and walked around. She shook her head and looked down at the ground.

"Gotta be," she said. Okay, mood swing much.

We started walking in the direction the car went in. I don't even know why I was with her, she was probably leading me into some cannibalistic trap.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"Not sure anymore. I'm never sure," she answered.


We continued walking in that general direction for the entire day, not stumbling upon one walker at all, which gave me a bit of an eerie feeling.

If I was correct, it was probably somewhere around 7:00pm, and we were resting under a tree, staring across the silent road.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out the picture of Bethany and I, and we both looked so happy. It was at some state park somewhere. We were there about a month before the initial outbreak. That park's probably overrun by now.

"You're crying," Carol said. I hadn't even realized it until I felt it with my hand.

"Yeah, I guess," I said. She moved closer to me and wrapped an arm around me. I tensed at first, and Carol noticed this. But I soon melted into her comforting motherly arms.

"It's okay to cry once in a while. Just try to make the occasions minimal," she said.

"Were you a mom?" I asked. I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"I was. My little girl would've been your age. She was chased by walkers...our group leader went after her, but never brought her back. We found her in a barn full of them," she said, "she didn't have a mean bone in her body. If she did, maybe she would still be here."

"I'm sorry, Carol," I said, while playing with the corner of the photo.

"Don't be. Can I see?" She asked. I slightly nodded and handed her the picture. She stared at it for a while. "Who is this?" She finally asked.

"My old friend Bethany. We lost each other a while ago, and I've been looking ever since," I answered.

"We leave tomorrow at dawn," Carol said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We need to find that car," she said.

"What do you mean? They're long gone by now. They could be anywhere," I said. She shook her head and I moved out of her grasp to look at her.

"Yeah, but they took Bethany."


I'm prepared to take this story down. If you want it to stay up, leave a comment. If there's less than ten people that want me to keep this up, then I'm deleting it.

Comment if you want more!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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