Chapter 1

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Is this where I belong?

What's the point anymore?

Really? Should I even be here?

Nobody needs me. Everyone I know is probably dead.

I walked around the old, dark, dusty cabin with my gun raised. Trash littered the floor everywhere, making it even harder to walk than it was.

I really needed a flashlight.

When I got to what I assumed was a bedroom, I flung the door open, only to be met with the rancid smell of dead bodies. They were everywhere, three on the bed, six on the floor, all shot in the head, executed.

I quickly shut the door and tried to find my way out of the cabin. I couldn't stay here.

When I got to the door, I flung it open and walked out as quickly as possible, into the dark of night. It was so dark, I couldn't even see my hand in front of me. Oh shit.

I turned back around and walked into the cabin, sitting with my back against the door. Leaving in the middle of the night would surely be suicide.

Maybe I should just commit suicide. This life isn't worth living anymore. There's three phases now. Alive, dead, or alive again. Better off dead.


I didn't sleep at all last night. All the night consisted of was continuously checking my gun every 5 minutes or playing with my pocket knife. Not exactly fun.

Oh, come on, I thought, nothing's fun in this world anymore. You have to carry a weapon everywhere if you want to live. You have nobody! What's the point in living like that? You're a loner, Melody! Face it, you're pretty much just a suicidal bitch taking up space!

That stupid voice in my head is what's going to get me killed, literally.


As soon as the sun rose enough to see, I bolted out of the cabin. No way was I staying here any longer than I had to.

The moment I stepped outside, the fresh air hit me. Well, the somewhat fresh air. The air was fresher than inside that dirty old cabin.

I walked away from the cabin and stopped at a nearby tree, taking my backpack off of my back.

I needed to stock up on food and water soon. All I had was two granola bars and half a bottle of water. They've all been sitting in there for probably about three months, which in the granola bars' case, is pretty disgusting.

I started walking again, in hopes of finding a store of some sort. Maybe just a main road would be good.

A main road? Really? You really want to die, don't you?

Ugh, the struggle of living these days.


I finally found my way to an old gas station. Hey, it's better than a public rest stop!

I opened the door and bells went off, making me cringe. When I got inside, once again, the smell of the dead hit me.

I held out my gun in front of me and walked through the store. It was completely clear.

I got to the back and saw a door. To open or not to open?

Open it, you moron.

I reached for the door knob and mentally counted to three, before flinging it open. What was inside made me gag.

There was a dead body with a bullet hole in it's forehead. They probably lived in there before they committed suicide. They even had a little corner for the bathroom...

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