Chapter 4

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"These are my companions, Rosita Espinosa and Eugene Porter. Eugene knows exactly what caused this thing and how to stop it. All we need to do is get him to Washington," Abraham explained. Washington? I don't want to go to Washington.

"I'm Rick Grimes, and thank you. For all this," Rick said, gesturing to the area before us.

"So, what do you say?" Abraham asked.

Rick looked back at us for an answer as what to do. We all shrugged our shoulders.

"You give us one day to work things out, and you can stay while we decide," Rick proposed. Abraham looked at Eugene and Rosita.

"One day, and we're taillights. I can tell all of you are skilled fighters, and that's exactly what we need," Abraham said.


"So, what are we going to do?" Rick asked.

"This is saving the world, why are we even debatin'?" Beth asks.

"Where else do we have to go? I mean, think about it," Daryl said, "We've been on the road, goin' house to house for over a month. What do we got to lose?"

"Ourselves," I said. The group turned to me.

"So, who's for not going to Washington?" Rick asked. I slightly raised my hand.

"Speak your mind," Glenn said.

"I ain't holdin' any of you back. I just think I'd be better if staying here, in the land that I know," I said, "my friend and I were separated, and she could still be alive, out there. She's probably doing the same thing - looking for me, and I don't want her to be doing that when I'm all the way up in Washington D.C."

"Hate to barge into this," Abraham stepped into the room, getting off the couch, "But chances of your little friend being alive are very slim, especially before the world is put back to what it was. She could be reanimatin' as we speak, you're better off with us."

"Don't say that to her," Maggie ordered.

"It wouldn't kill you to have a little faith," Beth said.

"Faith ain't done shit for us," Daryl said.

"Brought us the cure," Beth countered.

"Sure as hell didn't do nothin' for your father," Daryl said. Then his eyes widened slightly but disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.

"Hey!" Maggie yelled, running toward him. Glenn had to hold her back.

"Now is not the time for this," Glenn told her, whispering into her ear. He wiped the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"I wasn't trying to start an argument. I'll be out of here by night," I said. I walked off and into the next room, where the couch was. Rosita was sitting on the couch and Eugene in the recliner next to it.

"Heard y'all yellin' in there. Everything alright?" Eugene asked.

"Oh, dandy," I replied sarcastically. I sighed and sat in the other recliner.

"Please, come to Washington with us," Rosita begged. She had a pleasing puppy dog look in her eye.

"I can't," I said, "I just can't."

"You sure as hell can!"

Abraham stomped into the room and stood in front of me.

"What the hell is it to you if I go or not? I'm 14 years old, that's not much of a difference either way," I yelled.

"I can't let you go," he said.

"You don't own me," I said.

"You'll never survive alone out there," he said.

"I survived alone for over 2 months. You don't know me," I said. I stood up and walked out of the room.

.:Carl's POV:.

We all stopped talking about our D.C. trip and listened to Abraham and Melody argue. Abraham was a real dick. Melody stood up and stormed off.

"Man, what the hell?" Daryl asks, rising to his full height. He started to walk towards Abraham but dad put an arm in front of him to stop him.

"You had no right doing that," Glenn said.

"You have no damn right telling me what rights I have," Abraham said. Glenn and Abraham started moving towards each other but my dad stepped in between them.

"We don't need this. Not now," my dad said through clenched teeth. I started walking away in the direction that Melody went.

When I finally found her, she was standing in a room, looking at pictures. I walked forward and stood next to her.

I looked at the picture she was staring at. It was of a family; a mom, dad, two daughters, and one son.

"When this all happened it was a normal day, and everything fell apart. Families were destroyed. That once picture perfect dream family that everyone wanted was gone. Over time, every family dwindled down until the last ones. The perfect family, just...gone," she said.

"Yeah, this life sucks," I said, "you really should stay with us." Then I realized what I had just said and how unthoughtful that was.

"Why? I met you yesterday," she asked. I had to think about that for a moment.

"You're the first person that I've seen my age in almost two years, my old friends are probably dead, my mom's dead, everybody's dead," I said.

"You have your dad and baby sister. I have nobody. Other than Bethany. My whole damn family is dead," she snapped. I was taken aback.

"I'm sorry."

"Are you really?"


I watched as Melody said goodbye to the rest of the group, each one of them looking sad. I saw Beth and her hug it out. Finally, she came over to me. She smiled a small smile and hugged me.

"Don't get yourself killed," she said, still hugging me.

"I guess I could say the same to you," I replied. She sighed softly, and let go. Her smile disappeared, and I felt a ping of disappointment hit me.

"Goodbye, Sheriff Boy," she said.

"Goodbye, Green Eyed Girl," I said. She barely smiled. She picked up her back and slung it over her shoulder. She started walking towards the door.

"Melody," My dad's voice boomed. She turned around. He walked over to our gun bag and pulled out a small pistol.

"Please take this. If you're going out there, you could use a little extra protection," he said, handing the pistol to her, as well as a box of ammo.

"Thank you, sir," she said, putting them both into her bag.

"Yeah, don't call me sir. It makes me feel older than I already am," he said. She smiled a beautiful smile.

"Thank you, Rick. For everything," she said. She walked to the door and opened it. "You're the first good people I've met during all of this. I hope you stay that way," she said. We all walked forward and walked out the door behind her. We watched her walk down to the fence alongside Tara, who opened the gate for her.

She turned around one last time and looked at us. She found my eyes and looked into them. She smiled again, and then walked off for good. I felt a ping of sadness hit me.

What has she done to me in this short time we were together?


I'm so sorry I forgot all about this fanfic. It's been over a month since I updated, they will be more frequent, I promise.

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