Chapter 3

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It was now night time. Everyone was in their bedrooms, while I lay on the couch looking up at the ceiling. I'm not complaining about the couch, it's the best I've had in months.

I felt uneasy tonight for some odd reason. I don't know why, I just got the feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was going to happen. But with Tara on watch, we should be fine. Right?

You worry way too much.

I sighed and rolled on my side, facing the door. I was watching the door with no thoughts crossing my mind for what felt like the longest time, before my eyes closed and I finally lost the battle.


I woke up in a room on the floor. I looked around. It was dimly lit by a lantern in the left corner. Just being in here gave me chills.

As I looked around, I noticed something strange. It was completely empty, not one bit of furniture.

I stood up and picked the lantern up. I walked around the room, looking for an exit. There wasn't one. Not even on the ceiling or floor.

I backed up until my back hit something, probably the wall. I turned around and saw a figure standing there. I jumped back. I shined the lantern in their face.

"P-Penelope?" I stuttered. She smiled and nodded.

"I'm here," she said in an angelic tone. It almost sounded fake.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. The scene quickly changed to my old camp. Now she was a walker, lunging at me. I gasped and backed up. I pulled my gun out and aimed it at her forehead, pulling the trigger. Her lifeless body slumped to the ground.

"Mel," A voice dragged out. I spun around to see my mom. She was standing there with her stomach torn open, exactly how she died.

"Mommy?" I asked. She smiled her beautiful smile. Then the scene changed again. We were in our old house arguing.

"Mom, I don't want to play the violin," I told her.

"Melody, it's been our family instrument for generations!" Mom shouts.

"No, get Penelope to play. I already play the guitar, that's enough," I said. My mom sighed.

"Whatever. You have a thick skull, Melody, just like your father," she says. The scene changes back to the old camp. She's lying on the ground trying to get up, snarling and snapping at me. I put my gun to her forehead and looked away before pulling the trigger.

Next, I was in the woods. It was completely empty, except for somebody calling my name.

I turned around. Bethany was standing there, walkerfied. She limped towards me, trying to take a bite out of my flesh.

I raised my gun and held it there. My finger was hovering over the trigger, but I just couldn't do it. I didn't have it in me.

Bethany tackled me to the ground. I couldn't do it. I let her. I let her bite into me. I let her tear the flesh from my bones. I let her.


I woke up to the sound of gunshots outside. I immediately sprung up and walked over to the door. I walked outside, only to be met with a strong smell of death.

There was a huge herd of walkers, and they were advancing on us quickly. Tara was the only one shooting. I grabbed my gun and started firing.

"Go inside, get the others!" She yelled over the gunfire. I hesitantly went inside and ran up the flight of stairs. I'm surprised nobody was up helping. I'm actually pretty sure these walls are soundproof because I don't hear anymore gunshots.

"Guys!! Wake up!! Everyone! There's walkers!" I shouted, knocking on every single door I passed. I repeated this a couple times before people started filing out of their rooms. I ran back down the stairs and saw the herd had gotten larger instead of smaller.

I aimed my gun and fired. I did this until I was out of ammo. Rick passed me a machine gun.

"Know how to use it?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I shouted. I held the trigger down for rapid fire, and, well, rapidly fired at all of the walkers within aim.

"There's no way we can take them all down! We'll run out of ammo before we even make a dent!" Maggie shouts, barely audible over all the gunfire.

"Well, running ain't exactly an option!" Daryl yelled, "Cars are parked down at the gate! No way we can get through this!"

"We can't fight this!" Tyreese said.

"We can't go either! What's your suggestion?" Tara asked.

"Ain't there a back door?" Tyreese asked. We all stopped firing momentarily.

"Melody, come with me!" Rick ordered. He opened the door to the mansion and ran through. I guess I was supposed to follow. He probably didn't trust me alone with the group.

We made it to a door out back. There were a few stragglers, but not many. I looked around for any type of exit.

"There's no exit," I exhaled, "Gates are too high for climbing," I added. He nodded like he was in deep thought.

"Let's go," he said. We ran back through the house back to the outside. The number of walkers was dwindling, and so was our ammo. That's when I got a good plan.

"Rick!" I shouted. We went back inside the house.

"What?" He asked.

"Is there a rope here?" I asked.

"There could be one in the basement, why?" he asked. Then he got a look of realization on his face, "Good idea."

Before we could go check, somebody opened the door.

"Hate to break up this little moment here, but come outside!" Daryl said. We both rushed to the door and walked outside. There was a fire truck outside the gate, and there was a man with a mullet on top of it spraying all the walkers with water.

Soon, all the walkers were lying dead on the ground for the second time. The man carefully got off the roof. Him, a red haired man, and a girl walked towards us.

"I've been to eight county fairs and one goat rodeo and I ain't never seen anythin' like that," red head said to mulletman. He then averted his attention back to us.

"I'm Sergeant Abraham Ford, and I have a very important mission."



If you got confused during the dream part about who the people were, check the prologue.

So, it would be nice if you could go give my Instagram a follow! It's @/emmykinnry

Thanks for reading, we're almost at 100!!

'Til next time 😘

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