Calm Down (Formally 'Deep Breathes')

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"Arg!" You said as you angrily stopped your foot into the ground, "It got away again!" You had always wanted an Espurr, and another attempt to catch one had failed once more. Off to the side your friend, and crush, Calem stood with an unimpressed look. While you were excellent in battle, he seemed to be better at catching Pokémon. Letting out a sigh, he stepped forward and put his hand on his shoulder.

"(Y/N), I think you need to calm down a bit." He said. You sent him a glare that was returned with another sigh as he stepped back. He's given you 'tips' on catching Pokémon on multiple occasions, but 'staying calm' has always been the tricky one for you. Thinking back on it, you even had trouble staying calm as a child. It seems even harder now that you've begun your journey.

You took a few shaky deep breaths that really didn't seem to help at all. Your eyes scanned the tall grass in front of you, trying to see if there was another Espurr hiding within. Unfortunately none could be seen.

"We probably should start making our way to the next town," Calem said as he brushed some of his hair out of his face. Letting out a sigh of defeat, you nodded and began to walk with Calem out of the forest. After a minute of walking in silence, Calem finally spoke, "You know, there's a lot more to catching a Pokémon than just battling and tossing a PokéBall at them."

Out of the corner of his eye he watched you, waiting to see if you would reply . It was obvious to him that you were pouting, still upset about the loss of the Pokémon. A small, short laugh escaped his lips. A laugh that you could hear.

"Don't laugh at me." You said, almost growling at him. Despite the feelings that you had for Calem, he was starting to make you upset.

He rolled his eyes, only upsetting you more. You took a few quick steps to get in front of him. "What is so funny to you!?" You asked in a loud voice, causing him to take a step back.

"Geez, (Y/N), you can't stay calm to save the world." He was joking with you, but you took it seriously. "You're upset right now." You tried to respond to him, but each time you opened your mouth you received a look from him that told you that he was right. Eventually you gave up and turned away, walking back into the forest.

After pushing through a few bushes you stopped and looked back. You were hoping to see Calem, but he wasn't there. You looked down to your feet. 'I must just drive him crazy...' You thought to yourself. 'He probably doesn't even like me.'

Only a little while ago you were pouting over a Pokémon, and now you were pouting over your crush. 'Maybe I do get angry too much...' You soon became lost in thought, trying to come up with some way of apologizing to Calem for how you acted. You really should have been more aware going instead.

The tall grass that you had been walking in covered the fact that you were right along the edge of a cliff. A step on a rock caused you to move your foot to the side, and moving your foot to the side caused you to fall into the small ravine. To make this situation even worse, you landed on one of your ankles. You let out a cry as you pulled your leg out from under yourself.

You did your best to hold back tears, but they still came out. Both angry and scared, you tried to call out for help, "C-Calem!" You were afraid that he wasn't going to come to help you, that he had already moved on to the next town. 'He wouldn't just leave me... Right?' You thought to yourself.

"(Y/N)!" You looked to the top of the small cliff when you heard Calem's voice. He had come looking for you.

"C-Calem!" You called out, "I'm down here!" The following silence scared you. It was only until you could hear the sound of shifting grass coming towards you did you feel like you could finally relax, well only a little.

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