Abby's Sister

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"Come on, hurry up, crybaby," said Roman to Joon. "Quit complaining." 

"I'm not complaining. But Namir's dead, and Christian and Abby's been gone for 4 years. And now we have to walk 1,000 miles to a random house." 

"1. Namir may not be dead, and 2. it's not a random house, it's where Christian and Abby are."

They finally come up to the house. They open the door. Blood stains drag across the ground. Inside reveals the slowly disappearing body of Abby and Christian with a diamond sword in his neck. Then Hobbes teleports into the computer with them. 

"Hobbes! Look what happened, Christian has been stuck in the computer for four years and is dying. So is Abby," said Joon. Then Wizdy the Wizard teleports over. 

"Wizdy, you lied to us. Christian never died. But the paper you gave us said he did." Roman said. 

"Well, Herobrine gave it to me. I guess he was lying."

"No crap, IT'S HEROBRINE. Why would you trust him?"

"I'm sorry, but it's been four years. Come on, maybe I can help you." Just then, Herobrine falls from the sky and puts out his hands. Immense winds blow from him and blows the house into the sky, leaving the group left.

"Don't revive Christian and Abby. They were suppose to die, and they are supposed to stay dead," said  Herobrine.

Wizdy didn't pay attention and cast a spell on Christian and Abby. The revival spell brings them from the dead.

You little-. I'm gonna murder you all!" He casts a lightning bolt on Joon, Hobbes, and Wizdy. Each of them fall to the ground dead. 

"No, you don't die too!" Screamed Roman. Roman turns around and see Christian and Abby, alive. 

"How the hell?" asked Roman.

"We got brung back to life. But Wizdy, he's . . . dead."

They turn back around and see the three's body fading away. 

"Wizdy, revive the others and revive yourself!"

"I - I can't. At this stage of health, I'm about to die..."

"Come on!" Scream Roman. "Can anyone here can revive them?" 

Everybody said no. They tried to find a healer nearby, but were unsuccessful. Then, their bodies faded away. 

"You served us well," said Christian and Abby. They all go to Roman's house to sleep for the night. As they slept, someone snuck into the house. 

"Hey, Christian . . ." said a mysterious voice. Christian wakes up, startled. 

"Who are you?" Christian asked. 

"I'm Abby's sister." Then she began stroking his hair. "Wanna . . . do something together?"

"No! I'm with Abby!" 

". . .She doesn't have to know." Christian screams and runs all they way to Abby's room. 

"Abby, your sister is trying to get me to cheat on you."

"MY SISTER?!" She stomps all they way to Christian's room to see her sister. 

"Azula," began Abby. "I though I killed you many years ago!"

"Don't be so sure . . ." then both of their eyes turn white, as purple fireballs forms in both of their hands. 

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