Introduction To Royalty

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Sitting next to the roaring flames in the marble fireplace, Kalona made himself comfortable in the room he was offered. Though England had outstanding townhouses, the Japanese layout of this mansion was an offer he couldn't pass up. The male walked into the room Kalona stayed in, in a clean robe that was a bit thinner fabric than the one previously. Kalona can see him in better light than the alleyway they met in. The beauty was astounding and it made the siren curious. "You never told me your name, or the reason you're here." Kalona spoke softly, as he wrapped himself further in his blanket. The mysterious male looked away and stayed silent for a moment, then responded with, "My name is Yohio. The reason I am here is none of your concern, though it seems you are someone who isn't from this world." With that, Kalona looked at him in confusion. "From this world? Are you implying I am not human?" The siren asked, trying to act as if this was all a joke. Yohio smirked and got close to his lips. "A man of your stature doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the fools here. Eyes as cold as yours and the senses you have to the cold tell me you don't belong here. If I am wrong, tell me otherwise." Before Yohio could pull away, Kalona grabbed his pale neck and pulled him close again. "If I were to tell you the truth, I expect the same in return. The symbol on your robes are not from this world. Only a worshipper would brave to wear it in public with the chance of being slaughtered in the middle of the town. You're a noble from the underworld. I can tell by your cannibalistic nature and the arousal you get from doing it." Kalona said before pushing the other away and looking to the flames. "Smart man. A smart man that could get himself killed, but I will surrender from that urge. Other needs are calling me and I must tend to those." Yohio spoke with a slight annoyance before leaving the room.

Kalona sighed as this night has turned into an adventure he didn't want any part of. Laying back, the siren took in the images his mind took. The siren knew there was something off by the way the other bolted out of the room but he isn't into cat and mouse games. Closing his eyes to rest, there was a noise a few rooms down. It was a noise that normal humans can easily ignore but Kalona could not. Instead of allowing himself sleep, the siren got up to investigate. As he walked through the moonlit halls of the mansion, Kalona was drawn to a room with a soft candlelight coming from it. The sliding door was only slightly open, but it allowed Kalona to see what was going on. Yohio was laying on his bed mat, legs slightly arched and opened. His robe slipping off his thin shoulders to allow his body to be almost completely nude. Yohio's mouth was parted lightly as small noises escaped his lips. A small pink blush spread across his cheeks, as two fingers thrusted in and out of his hole. His free hand wrapped tightly around his more than average member. It appeared this was a different side to the male Kalona had spoke to earlier. Watching the other please himself, sprouted something in the siren's trousers. Before allowing himself to take part of the scene, Kalona quickly walked away, causing the door to make noise. This prompted Yohio to stop his session and quickly find out who the intruder was. Kalona was already gone and this caused Yohio to pout a bit.

A Demon's StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz