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In every romance, there is someone from the past that still lingers. Even if they are unwanted, moving on is almost impossible. Yohio had a phantom from the past coming into the light and he can feel it in the night. After finishing with his beloved siren, the young prince could not catch a wink of rest. The chill that came through the doors became apparent something sinister lies in the breeze. Getting up from his bed mat quietly to keep his lover from waking up, the prince walks out of the room and leads himself to the temple. He isn't into prayer, more or less worshipping the many devils his lineage stems from. Before his crimson eyes can close to start meditating, a light glimmer of deep red caught his eye from the corner of the room. Red hues shot open when gorgeous bicolor hues glowed from the distance. A set of fangs then appeared from the dim light coming from the candles surrounding the alter. This only meant one thing..."Jasper..." The young male whispered out.

Racing emotions shot through the young male when he realized who was lingering in the shadows. A deep chuckle escaped through the dark as the mysterious male got close enough to the prince, smirking to the look on the male's face. "Poor thing. It's been years, and you look like you have seen a ghost.~" The red haired male spoke with a silky Irish accent. It wasn't too overwhelming, but it was enough to make anyone melt. The simple fact he has returned made Yohio's body shiver in the worst ways possible. "W-why are you here...?" The young prince asked with a single tear starting to flow down his cheek. Seeing the despair in his former lover's face made the red head quiver with excitement. "I'm here to celebrate my arrival, because I missed you." The tall demon stated with a lip bite and a smirk. "We haven't been near each other in years and I can tell you've grown into a delightful fellow." Yohio looked away, tearing up from the sudden heartache he was beginning to feel.

"You know, kitten, I have always thought of you. I thought of the first time we were together, attaching our bodies so hotly~" The demon stated. This statement caused Yohio to whimper, but something woke up in him. The demon prince knew what this visit can intel, and it's killing what this can do to Kalona. Pushing away the noble demon, Yohio got up and allowed more tears to fall from his porcelain skin. Another thing began to fall from the prince's body and it wasn't a body liquid. Long silky robes fell to the ground and it allowed the red head to see what he was missing. This alone prompted long, slender fingers to lightly claw down Yohio's now bare chest. The feeling caused shivers to be sent down Yohio's body again. "S-stop..." A breathy voice escaped from the prince's lips. He can tell where this was headed and he had to put a stop to it. Jasper has always been the dominant one and it used to excite the prince. Now it just terrifies him to the point of wanting strong arms other than Jasper's wrapped around him.

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