Good Morning~

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After seeing what he saw the night prior, Kalona didn't know what to make of it. Seeing men please themselves was not new to him at all. He's been with more than plenty, because he is the one that causes it. This was just off-putting, because he was left to have an image that kept his trousers tight all night. Walking past the siren's room, Yohio acted as if nothing happened. His composure was calm and he seemed to be acting normal. Kalona was the complete opposite, however, because he couldn't shake his personal issues away. Literally. Getting up to leave his room, the siren followed after the noble demon, keeping his eyes to the ground. Yohio sensed the other trailing behind and smirked a bit. "Did you enjoy the show last night? I wouldn't have had the need to be so rude, but the whore you caught me with didn't leave me much time to have my climax. He was a bit selfish." Hearing that he's been caught, Kalona looked away and didn't say much. "I thought you had more than me as a guest, I heard a noise. It kept me from a peaceful slumber." The siren responded with sarcasm. Yohio let out a soft chuckle and turned to look at the taller male. "It's adorable of you to lie, but your trousers seem to say otherwise. Maybe we can skip breakfast and I can relieve you of your problem." The demon offered.

Taking up the offer, the two men found themselves in one of Yohio's bath houses. This one was small and was more of a personal for just one person. Kalona didn't mind though, because he can kill two birds with one stone. He's been missing being in water and this was one way to keep his urges at bay. Yohio slipped behind one of the sheer curtains to undress from his night robe, and returned completely nude. His slim body stood about five foot eleven, with a pale complexion that would be admired by gothic artists. His raven black hair laid against the middle of his back, after taking it out of the braid Yohio seemed to favor wearing. He was a beauty all on his own, but the biggest thing that struck Kalona's attention, was the striking tattoo taking place on the male's back. Much like the symbol on Yohio's robes, it was branded onto his back with detailed color placement. This demon isn't just a noble, he's the prince!

Waiting in the nude in the heated spring, Yohio looked at the siren with a smirk. "It's rude to keep your host waiting. An offer like this doesn't come for free for long, men that keep me waiting end up becoming a snack. I'd hate to eat fish so early in the day." The words seemed to melt like butter to the turned on siren and his clothes seemed to melt off like the sun burned them away. Unlike Yohio, the siren's body was a bit more fit. He stood about six foot three, with raven hair that reached down to his waist. His nether region was also a tad larger than his counterpart, and it was obvious Yohio couldn't wait to feel. Before slipping into the water next to the other, Yohio had his mouth attached to the tip of the other's member. This was a sudden movement and it caused Kalona to blush lightly before speaking with a lustful tone. "The kitten couldn't wait to taste the milk. A shame I don't produce so quickly." Yohio pouted and immediately pulled away. "No fair!" The demon whined and made room for the other to sit. Kalona pulled Yohio to his lap, smirking softly at him. "You need to learn patience, or you won't be rewarded." With that, the siren got close to his lips and whispered against it. "If you behave, I can make this a common thing for you. I don't like boring entertainment." That excited the demon to the point of almost releasing his load in that moment.

As the kisses got too sloppy, so did the noises. Yohio couldn't keep his voice down and the siren couldn't stay gentle. The taller male kept Yohio pinned to the wall of the bath, so he can take him from the back roughly. Skin against skin echoed through the small room, as did the sound of their arousal. Yohio's voice became almost feminine like and Kalona's stayed deep with groans and sexy growling. Any previous thoughts escaped their minds as their moment became almost two hours long, and Kalona's previous thoughts were finally answered. No average human could withstand the sex without getting exhausted within thirty minutes. The siren knew what he was going into and is defiantly not disappointed.

Another hour passed and the two finally came to their senses. Both males panted and stuck to each other with their sweat, and arousal stuck to their bodies. Yohio nuzzled into Kalona's chest as he caught his breathe and stayed still on the siren's lap. He seemed to be a different version of who he was when they first met and it concerned Kalona. Gently lifting the male's chin with a slim finger, Kalona melted into the crimson gaze that was met with tears. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Shaking his head, Yohio looked away, "No...I just think it's time for you to leave. I know that's what you're excited about. You got what you wanted." The demon stated before getting up and leaving to get dressed. The response confused the siren, leaving him puzzled. Of course that's what he wanted. He was met with an image that couldn't leave his mind, but this left him puzzled.

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