Comfort In The Dark

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The shadows of the room seemed to resemble a familiar shape, and it was killing the siren's sleep. All he can ever see is Yohio's body dancing in his peaceful state. It was becoming a nuisance and Kalona wanted answers to the questions that's been plaguing him since the first night he stayed with the prince. Sex wasn't new to him, so it's not that. It was the tears that left Yohio's crimson hues after their encounter. It was almost as if there was something troubling Yohio and it was clear it involved the moment they had together. Getting up from the soft bed he laid upon, Kalona cloaked his nude body in his heavy winter attire to set trail to find the prince again. He missed the younger male, even if he's trying to deny that fact.

Much like the siren, Yohio was feeling restless. He wasn't entirely sure why or why his body felt hot when his mind wandered to the siren's phantom presence. The young demon prince got up from his floor seat and made way to the open garden in his mansion. There, he can breath and try to logically come up with the solution to his nightmare. Before he can sit upon the large fountain in the centre of the garden, large arms wrapped around his frail waist. There, the familiar scent of the siren seemed to trigger an unusual heartbeat between the two. "K-Kalona..." The young demon breathed out, before turning to look at him. "Why are you here? I didn't expect to see you again. We both got what we wanted." Yohio spoke with a light smirk, but he was relieved to see the taller male.

Seeing the smaller male face to face again made Kalona smile lightly. It was only a month, but it felt like forever. "Yohio, I know this is out of character for me to invite myself like this. I couldn't keep my mind away from you and it's been disturbing my peace." The siren explained with a soft chuckle. "I couldn't figure out why." Yohio smirked to hearing those words and it triggered a sudden deep kiss to the siren. Kalona was a bit shocked by the sudden gesture, but returned it with a light moan. The two were in a scene that only romance movies can offer. The kisses became more than just that.

Soon, the flower became smooshed with two aroused bodies. Kalona laid flat on his back as the smaller male ripped open his robe and opened the opening to the siren's trousers. The two became one once again and it felt like it was something real this time. Moans and growls led the lovers into a night of lust. The night seemed to be dark except for the moonlight that illuminated the porcelain skin and the soft candlelight that slipped from the cotton doors coming from the Japanese styled sliding doors. The feelings Kalona had before came to light now in this moment. As did the young demon's as he climaxed with a soft sound escaping his lips. The cool winter air warmed up between their body heat. It was a beautiful scene, but a moment like this wouldn't last long.

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