Chapter 8: Online!

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It has been a few years since Y/N has been put in stasis...

Beacon has fallen

Atlas is on lockdown

Mistral compromised

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake alongside Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Qrow were fighting the Grimm in Mantle!

---Scene Change---

Salem: "Is Y/N Online?"

Watts: "A moment my liege..."

A few lights turn on and mechanical limbs held Y/N in place as they put some panels and tech on him...

Watts: "With these upgrades, the child will have two battle modes"

Salem: "Interesting..."

Watts then turn to the screen and showed the specs and features...

Watts then turn to the screen and showed the specs and features

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Watts: "This is his Stealth mode..."

Watts: "And This is his Berserker Mode!"

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Watts: "And This is his Berserker Mode!"

Salem: "You've done well Watts..."

Salem: "Is he ready to deploy?"

Watts: "Yes!"

Salem: "Activate him and I shall transport him to Mantle..."

Watts: "Yes, my liege..."

Y/N's body began to glow with several lights, the panel that held him rising!

Y/N then stood up knelt before Salem...

Y/N: "What are your orders...?"

Salem: "I shall transport you to Mantle to crush that Silver Eye girl and her friends"

Salem: "Failure will result in punishment!"

Y/N: "Understood!"

Salem then opens a portal and transported Y/N to Mantle!

Y/N stood there alongside the Grimm and went to a hiding spot where he transformed into his stealth mode and picked them off with his Sniper Rifle!

Bullets fly at the group!

Ruby: "SNIPER!"

Qrow and Ruby begin to open fire at Y/N...

Y/N jumped to another hiding spot where he aimed at Nora and Ren!

Unfortunately, Jaune managed to block his shots from landing!

Weiss, Blake, Nora, and Ren opened fire again this time hitting Y/N!

Y/N fell down from a height and transformed into his Berserker Knight mode!

Y/N summoned swords which he swung at the group!

Y/N then swung his sword at Qrow!

Qrow managed to block it with his weapon, but Y/N was overpowering him!

The others attack Y/N from behind only to see that he has thick armor!

Jaune: "His armor is too thick!"

Everyone then helped Qrow push back Y/N's sword!

Nora snuck up and swung her hammer hitting Y/N in the face that knocked off his faceplate!

Qrow and the others saw his emotionless face...

Qrow and the others saw his emotionless face

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Ruby: "Y-y-y/N!?"

Yang: "Brother!"

Qrow: "Kiddo..."

Qrow: "What did they do to you...?"


Y/N then swung his swords hitting everyone!

Then a bullhead arrived!

The Ace Ops are here!

Clover tied Y/N's swords and Elm hit him with her hammer!

Vine then restrained Y/N and knocked him on the ground!

Y/N Charged towards them until Marrow used his semblance 

Marrow: "STAY!"

Then Harriet landed multiple hits using her semblance!

Y/N is now panting until Clover strung his feet and Vine catapulting Elm with her hammer in hand!

Elm was launched swinging her hammer hitting Y/N's face and resulting in him being unconscious!

 Y/N slowly fell down and lay on the ground!

Ruby and her friends were impressed until they were all arrested!

Qrow: "This is what I had in mind..."

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow..?"

Qrow: "Yeah?"

Ruby: "Stop Jinxing us!"

Everyone else: "Agreed!"

Chapter Ends...

A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter is too short, I am busy with some projects in school...

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