Chapter 11: Ending the War

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Y/N spend time with his adoptive father and sister, as the three enjoyed their time and loved each other company...

They knew that Salem was coming but they wanted their last chance of being family unknown to Penny that Y/N would sacrifice himself so that her Sister could enjoy living as a person and not used as a tool, Ironwood, on the other hand, tasked his scientists to make a stasis bubble so Y/N wouldn't use himself as a seal for Salem, but he knew deep down that it would finally free the world of Salem's evil...

Yang and Ruby were sad that their brother is no longer their brother, but they slowly accepted that they were unfit to be his family after all they abused him for nothing at all...

Salem comes near as the Ace Op enjoyed their downtime so they may battle Salem and end the madness...

Y/N: "Now let's prepare to finish the battle..."

Ironwood: "Get the men ready!"

Winter: "Sir! Yes, Sir!"

Winter then goes to the hangar and gathers the soldiers, then prepares them for the final battle!

Winter: "Men! We are going to face Salem the Queen of Grimm!"

Winter: "I understand that you are all scared, but fear not!"

Winter: "They have an army of mindless beasts, while we are an army of humans!"

Winter: "Beings that can think and coordinate!"

Winter: "Beings that can evolve and adapt!"

Winter: "The Grimm may have existed longer than us, but no more will they kill us and our families!"

Winter: "For we will slay any Grimm we see with the strength of Atlas!"

Winter: "Now let's show them that strength and prove that we are not frail, for we are strong!"

Winter: "Now! Let's prove to those beings of darkness that we are the light that makes them fade away!"

Soldiers: "YEAH!"

Y/N: "Look's like the soldiers are pumped now we only have to make sure transportation is available..."

Ironwood: "I already have my scientists cover that for you..."

Y/N: "Really!?"

Y/N then sees some bikes ready for selection!

Ironwood: "These are the bike that My best Scientists created and engineered just for you, I was planning to have you choose one sooner..."

Ironwood: "Just think of it as the Happy Belated Birthday present that you've missed when you were still in Salem's captivity..."

Y/N then hugs his dad with such a joyous expression on his face!

Y/N then sees which he would like to use...

Y/N then sees which he would like to use

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