chapter 1 <3

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Hi, my name is Ashley. I'm 16 and originally from Perth, WA. I live with my Mum, Jenny and older brother, Joshua. Yes, my parents got divorced years ago after my dad, well... let's not talk about that. Recently Mum got a promotion which means her new base is in Sydney. My mum is a flight attendant of 19 years, and she is not home a lot. Which means me and Josh run the household, and we love it! I mean imagine living with your best friend and parents for only a couple days every week. But this job promotion means we either see mum once or twice a year and stay in Perth or have to move to Sydney. With me being seventeen later this year, I am about to go into year 11.

*ashley's pov*

"you ready?" mum yelled while moving her suitcase into the car.

"yep, I will be down in a second" I said trying to hide the sadness in my voice. tears started to build up in my eyes, as the door opens.

"HURRY UP!" josh yells opening the door. he sees me about to cry and his facial expression changes almost straight away. he drops his backpack out of his hand as he runs towards me giving me a huge embrace. we just stood there in silence hugging for about one minute. I think about all the memories I shared with him in this house. us growing up, the massive fight we had which caused us not to talk to each other for a month, the time when we were like seven and slept in my room together and were super sugar high. the list could go on and on but before I could get more depth into my thoughts, I hear mum beep the car horn from downstairs.

"let's go" I say giving a 'I'm alright' look to josh.

I grabbed my stuff and said goodbye to my childhood room for the last time probably ever. I shut my door walking down the infamous stairs which led to multiple injuries and looking at the empty living area. I approached the front door opening it for the final time.

"im gonna miss this. you will forever be my home" I muttered under my breath while trying to hold back the tears, which were at this point quickly building up.

if I was told to describe myself in one word it would be emotional. and probably not the good emotional. I jumped in the car and plugged my phone through the aux cable.

when we got to the airport I had pretty much forgotten that mum wasn't sitting with us. she was working on our flight as a hostess. josh and I went to hungry jacks after mum left to board and we got food before the flight. at this stage josh knew not too bring up the whole moving thing, so it was all just small talk. as we had just finished going through customs our flight's zone 1 was called. our tickets were zone 2, so I was hoping to be called next.

"zone 2 now boarding. zone 2" I hear through the intercom

josh and I had five people ahead of us before I noticed something. it was someone's head, woah whoever that is must be like 6 ft 5 or something.

I got to my seat after waiting a bit in line and realised that josh was three rows in front of me. but then who was sitting next to me? I see that tall person from line talking to the guy sitting next to josh and realised it was a boy, he looked like he was my age. he was really cute, I mean I was a fair way away from him and he still was making me blush.

after daydreaming over him a little bit, I realised he was quickly approaching me. I looked away trying not to make eye contact, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder a few minutes later.

I looked up to see the cute and tall guy from before smiling at me, and I automatically froze up.

"umm. seat 43 f, right?" he says with the cutest smile on his face. I nod quickly "well looks like we will be spending the next 4 hours sitting together!" he says kinda excitedly.

"do you want the window seat or isle?" I ask quickly, trying to hide the huge smile on my face.

"I will take whatever you don't want"

woah he is nice. if someone offered me, I would pick window 10000%. I mean we need those aesthetic plane window pictures.

"oh, and I am ruel btw" he quickly adds, causing me to lose my train of thoughts.

ruel / the flight attendant's daughterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang