~Sick Day~

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                                                                   ~Sick Day~

*in this story we're pretending Amy is just Ethan and Marks best friend*

(Ethan's POV)

My eyes flutter open and I see the bright light coming from my bedroom window. I immediately feel the pounding headache behind my eyes. "Ugh shit, we have to film an Unus Annus video today" I mumble. I stand up out of bed and stumble into the bathroom opening the medicine cabinet to find something to help my headache. I grab the bottle of Excedrin and I take two of them. I walk back into my room and grab my phone "how am I so fucking tired I slept for nine hours" I say out loud to no one. I need to get ready to go or I'm going to be late. I take a quick shower then get dressed. I slip on my favorite Nike sneakers and grab my phone and keys. I still feel the pain behind my eyes but it's subsiding. I walk to my car in the parking garage and I get inside. With an about thirty minute drive to Marks house ahead, I turn on the radio to pass time. God I feel like I'm going to throw up, I just need to deal with it for a couple hours and once we're done filming I can go home and sleep.
         I finally pull into Marks driveway and get out of my car. I feel nauseous, I can't tell if it's because I'm nervous or sick. I'm probably sick, ugh. I knock on the door, Mark opens it and gestures for me to come inside. "Who's filming today" I ask Mark. "We'll have to set up the camera on a tripod because I couldn't get anyone to film today" Mark replies. "Oh ok, what are we doing anyway" I ask. "We're going to take taste tripping pills and cook a meal in citric acid" says Mark. "Uh...ok" I say while giggling. After filming for a while Mark is doing his usual weird transitions. "I have an idea for a transition, I'm like Mark will you join me for dinner and then you reach out your hand and then we go to kiss and then it cuts to us real close and then we go no we shouldn't" I say instantly regretting it. "No" Mark replies. I feel really dumb right now.
        We finally finished filming the video and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I just want to go to bed. "Do you want to stay for a little while, we could watch a movie and order food or something" Mark asks me. God I want to say yes so bad but I feel so sick.

(Mark's POV)

"Do you want to stay for a little while, we could watch a movie and order food or something" I ask Ethan. "I actually think I'm just going to go home" Ethan replies. I feel somewhat hurt...but I'm sure he has a good reason why he doesn't want to stay. I'm completely zoned out but I snap out of it when I hear Ethan say "see ya later Mark." He sounds sad, or tired.

(Ethan's POV)

I grab my keys and phone "see ya later Mark" I say as I walk out the front door. Once I finally get home I set my keys down, walk to my bedroom and flop down in bed. I work on editing a video for about two hours and I start to feel really tired. I shut my laptop and set it down on my nightstand. I roll over and drift off to sleep.
          I wake up to the sound of a ding on my phone. I grab my phone and look at the time, wow I slept for five hours. Somehow I feel even worse. I check my messages.

       ~one unread message~

Amy: hey! How are you?

Me: hey, I'm not doing good I'm really sick

Amy: I'm sorry :/

Me: I gtg I think I'm going to throw up

Amy: That sucks :( I hope you feel better soon

I run to the bathroom and throw up. Why did I have to get sick this week. I sit on the bathroom floor, with no energy to get up. I'm so tired that I start to drift of to sleep on the floor eventually falling asleep.

(Mark's POV)

Amy knows I like Ethan but she never made a big deal about it. She called me and told me that Ethan is really sick. Maybe I should bring him some chicken soup or something. Only because he's sick, not because I really miss his smile and the way he laughs at everything I say and how his eyes light up when he's happy, man...I really love him.
          I grab my keys and hop in my Tesla. First I stop by Panera and get chicken noodle soup, then I start to drive to Ethan's apartment. Once I get there I walk up the two flights of stairs until I get to his door. I knock, no answer. Huh strange, maybe he's sleeping. I'll just use the spare key he gave me and I'll set the soup inside. I quietly unlock the door Incase he's sleeping I right a note on the side of the bag of soup and set it in the fridge. Maybe I should check and make sure he's ok. I quietly walk down the hall and slowly open his bedroom door. Thats weird...he's not in bed. Then I notice that the bathroom light is on. I quietly walk over and open the door to see Ethan sitting up against the wall asleep. There's no way that's comfortable. Maybe I should bring him to bed...yeah I'll do that. So I pick Ethan up bridal style and bring him to his room. I gently lay him down and he slightly wakes up. Clearly still half asleep he says "Mark why are you here?" "Amy told me you were sick so I brought you some soup and I thought I'd check on you" I reply. "I'm gonna go and let you get some sleep" I say to Ethan. Still obviously barely awake Ethan says "wait, Mark...can you stay with me" "I guess...if you want me to" I reply. I sit down on the bed next to Ethan and I put a blanket over him. Out of nowhere Ethan still half asleep says "Mark can you cuddle with me I'm cold." I blush lightly, lay down next to Ethan and wrap my arms around him.
          This moment, this is all I've ever wanted ever since 2016 when I started making more videos with Ethan. I love him, so much. I just want to keep him safe and make him happy. I wish this was what it was like every night, His head on my chest and my arms around him. It's the best feeling in the world. As I lay here I can't help but smile because what I've dreamt of for the past three years is finally happening. It's going to be so awkward tomorrow morning because Ethan probably won't remember any of this. Actually...I could use that to my advantage. I kiss Ethan on the forehead and say "goodnight, I love you." I see a small smile form on his face. Knowing that he's smiling because of me is the best feeling in the world.
"I love you too Mark" says Ethan.

       ~Sick Day 1244 words~

I hope y'all enjoyed my first story! I really enjoyed writing this and I'm excited to write more cute stories!!
             Have a great day!
               Stay awesome.

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