~Even Without Me~

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                                ~Even Without Me~

(In this story Amy doesn't exist, also I love Mika and I apologize for how she is portrayed in this OneShot)

(Ethan's POV)

'Pick up goddamn it' I mutter to myself as I stand there with the rain pouring down on on me. I'm standing in front of the apartment I share with Mika. We were fighting and she broke up with me. She pushed me out and slammed the door shut then locked it. She doesn't even have the decency to let me inside. Bitch. I type in Mark's number and the phone is dialing. 'Please pick up' I think as I'm getting soaked from the rain. "Hello" Mark says. "Hey um, Mark I don't want to annoy you and I know its late but Mika and I were fighting and she locked me out, can you pick me up" I say with a crack in my voice as I start crying. "Of course, I'll be there in ten" Mark says. "Thank you" I say while I stand there crying in the rain. "no need to thank me, what are friends for" Mark states.
After waiting for a while I finally see Mark pull up. I'm sitting on a bench in the pouring rain crying. It looks like a sad scene in a movie. I look pathetic. Mark gets out of his car and jogs over to me as I stand up. He wraps his muscular arms around me in a tight embrace. That's it. That's the feeling I love most in the world. His arms around me. Mika knows that, she's not stupid. That's one of the reasons she broke up with me. Mark takes a towel and sets it over the seat. We both get in the car and after Mark starts to drive away I look out the window in hopes that he can't see the tears running down my cheek. "Why were you an Mika fighting" Mark asks me. "I don't really want to talk about it" I say knowing very well that it's because I'm bisexual. "That's ok, you don't have to" Mark says in a caring way.
We finally arrive at Mark's house and we both step out of the car. I don't make eye contact with Mark because I don't want him to see me cry. We step inside the house and Mark is clearly confused why I wont look at him. He walks over and sets his keys down. I sniffle as he turns around and says "Ethan are you okay" as he starts walking towers me. I'm still looking away from Mark. He lifts my chin and sees my red eyes and stuffy nose. "Ethan, I'm so sorry" he says as he pulls my into a long tight hug. 'M-Mika broke u-up with me" I stutter as I cry into Mark's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, you're going to be okay" Mark says sympathetically. I continue to cry and Mark asks me "have you eaten today." He knows I constantly forget to eat. "No" I quietly reply as I slowly stop crying. Mark still has his arms wrapped around me as we lightly sway back and forth. I love this. I wish this one moment could last forever. This is what I've always dreamt of, just me and Mark...together. Maybe someday it'll be a reality.

(Mark's POV)

I love hugging Ethan. He's so soft, cuddly and warm. I love him, so much. But I can't tell him that, I mean he literally just broke up with Mika like thirty minutes ago. I wish I could tell him. "We should get something to eat, maybe that'll make you feel better" I suggest. "Yeah" Ethan says with his face in my hoodie. I didn't want to stop hugging Ethan but it has to end at some point. So I walk over to the kitchen and said "do you want Chinese." "Sure" Ethan replies at he sits on the barstool. I call the Chinese restaurant and order all the food.
After waiting for about thirty minutes the delivery guy finally got here. "I checked with them to make sure there was nothing containing peanuts or peanut oil" I say to Ethan. "Thank you, I don't really feel like dying today" Ethan says with a giggle. God a love his smile. I hate seeing him sad, and I hate it when other people make him sad. Especially Mika, because he cares so much about her. This isn't the first time they've fought like this. It happens all to often. If Ethan was with me, I'd never hurt him. But he doesn't like me like that. At least I have him as a friend.
We sit on the couch and I put on a spider man homecoming. "I love this movie" Ethan exclaims. We watch the movie and finish our food. I take the plates into the kitchen, set them in the sink and lean against the counter for a second. Ethan is in the living room. I close my eyes and smile thinking about him. "Why are you so happy" I hear Ethan say as I open my eyes. "Um..I-I don't know" I stutter. "Well come on you're missing the best part of the movie" Ethan says gesturing towards the living room. We walk back into the living room and sit down. Every couple minutes Ethan moves a little closer to me. It's incredibly adorable. Since he won't do it I decide to cuddle up next to him. He smiles as I put my arm around his shoulders. The movie finally ended and I look over at Ethan, who is sleeping. I pick him up and carry him over my shoulder up the stairs. I gently lay him down on my bed. I lay down next to him. After about ten minutes of starring at the ceiling, I drift off to sleep.
My eyes flutter open and I look over at the clock. It's two thirty am. I look over at the sleepy Ethan laying next to me. I quietly sit up, trying to not wake Ethan. I hear a rustling next to me. "Hey Mark" Ethan says. "Hey" I reply. "Ethan, I have something to tell you" I say without making eye contact with him. "What is it" Ethan asks sleepily while sitting up. "I...I think I'm in love with you" I say. "Wait...really" Ethan asks. I look over at Ethan and we make eye contact as I say "yes." "Mark...I, I don't know what to say" Ethan says. "I know you love Mika, no matter how much I hate seeing her hurt you over and over again, I just want you to be happy, even if it isn't with me" I say to Ethan. "Mark, I love you so much, that's why Mika broke up with me" Ethan says. I lean closer to Ethan, face to face with him. I can feel his soft breath. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife. I lean in, our lips press together.
The best feeling, being so close with the person you love the most in the world. The feeling of the intense connection between you and the person you love is so fulfilling. For those short moments you feel complete and whole. Those are the moments in life that you crave. We both pull away for air. "I love you Ethan, I'll never hurt you" I say. "I love you too Mark, I never want to lose you" Ethan says.  "You never will" I say.

~Even without me 1233 words~

Hey guys! I hope you liked this little story. I apologize if it's kinda all over the place, I wrote this late at night and in a short amount of time. It was a little rushed, but next week I'll try to write a longer most detailed story.

I love you guys,
stay awesome.

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