~It's Going To Be Okay~

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I loved writing this story lol. I hope you guys like it too.

(Ethan's POV)

Prom is tonight and I'm kind of excited. I'm going with Abigail, I don't really want to go but I'm not just going to sit at home and be one of the lame people who grow up and are like "oh I didn't go to prom." I'm in my room getting ready and I get a text from my friends saying "we'll pick you up in thirty minutes ok." "Ugh" I sigh, why am I doing this.
Half an hour later my friends pull up and I get in that car. We're listening to a bunch of early two thousands pop music on the way to the school. Once we finally get there and walk inside my friends all scatter to go find their dates. I calmly walk around looking for Abigail but I can't find her. I walk over to one of the girls in my math class who's standing next to the punch and ask her "hey, have you seen Abigail she's my date tonight." "Oh you haven't heard...she's here with Troy" says the girl. "Wait seriously, so she just ditched me??" I say. "I guess so" says the girl. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air" I state as I walk towards the football field. I feel like I'm going to burst out in tears but I try to conceal it since I'm at school. As I can't hold in my sadness any longer I sit down on the bleachers burst into tears. Maybe I can get my mom to come get me. I should've just drove here on my own then I could go home before my friends. They don't even care about me anyway.

(Marks POV)

School dances are completely overrated but I can't say no to prom. I walk around for a while really bored. I'm not popular but pretty much everyone knows me. A couple people say hi to me as I walk to the punch. I see some kid I don't really know talking to Liz at the punch table. Just as I walk up to the punch table the kid says "I'm gonna go get some fresh air" he looks really upset. "Hey Liz" I say. "Hi Mark" she replies. "Who were you talking to, he looked really upset" I asked her. "I think his name is Ethan, he's in my math class and his date ditched him for Troy" she says. "Oh, maybe I should go see if he's okay" I say. "You can if you want to, I think he went to the football field" she says. I start walking through the gym towards the football field.
When I get to the field I see Ethan on the bleachers with his knees tucked into his chest and his hands over his face. I walk over to him and sit down next to him. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask him. He sniffles and looks up at me and I see the tears streaming down his face as he replies "not really." "Liz said your date ditched you for Troy, I'm sorry, Troy is such an asshole" I say to Ethan. As I keep talking Ethan get visibly more sad and is profusely crying now. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to make you more sad" I say as I give Ethan a hug. And he is now crying on my shoulder. You would think it would be awkward since I've never talked to him a day in my life but he seems like a genuinely nice person, and I don't want to see anyone that I know is a good person get hurt by Troy. Ethan pulls out of the hug and stop crying for a brief second and says with a sniffle "no offense, but why do you care?" "Well, you seem like a really nice genuine person and I don't want to see you so upset because of goddamn Troy" I say. Before bursting into tears again Ethan says "thank you, I would drive home but my friends drove here not to mention my parents would be furious since they paid so much for me to even go tonight" "well the dance goes until ten, so we can hangout at my house until is over then I could drop you off at your house" I suggest to Ethan. "I don't want to bother you, you can go hangout with your friends" Ethan says. "My friends are busy, and I'm sure you don't just want to sit here for the next four hours" I reply. "You're right, I don't really want to be here any longer" Ethan says while the tears are still running down his face. "Come on, lets go" I say to Ethan as I reach my hand out to help him up.

(Ethan's POV)
We both walk to Mark's car and he opens the door for me. I've never talked to him before today but he's actually really nice. After about five minutes of driving Mark says "do you want to stop and get pizza?" "Sure" I answer. He's like a mind reader, I love pizza. It's weird, nobody is ever this nice to me. Mark pulls over for a minute to call and order the pizza. By the time that we got to the pizza place or order was ready. So we got the pizza and continue to drive to Mark's house.
    We pull into Mark's driveway and as I reach into the back seat to grab the pizza Mark gets out of the car and walks to the other side to get my door for me. It's oddly suspicious how nice he's being to me. I don't think anyone (other than my family) has ever treated me so nicely. I mean he hugged me while I cried, he offered to drive me home and he paid for the pizza. He's too nice. We walk inside and set the pizza on the huge dinner table. It's a pretty big house. His parent's must make a lot of money. "My parents aren't here tonight they're on a cruise, i hope you don't mind" Mark says. "its fine" I say while looking all around me. "Grab the pizza, lets go to the lounge" Mark says. Holy shit they have a lounge. We walk down a long hallway with a bunch of huge tall doors. "Your house is beautiful" I say. "Thank you, I can give you a quick tour if you want" Mark says.
    I set down the pizza in the lounge so Mark can give me a tour. He shows me around this huge house. It's evident that his family is quite rich. I mean they have an in home movie theater and a huge fancy kitchen. After he little tour of what looks to be only the first floor of the house. "We could eat in the lounge or my room, which would you prefer" he asks Me. "I don't know" I say. "let's just go upstairs" Mark says. I follow him up the grand staircase and through another long hallway. Then we finally get to his bedroom. He has a big desk and what looks to be a kid size bed. On the other side of his bedroom he has a small couch, a coffee table and a tv. He sets the pizza on the coffee table and turns on the tv. I sit down on the couch as Mark puts on a movie. Mark sits down next to me and we both start eating while laughing at the movie. It's so weird that I'm so comfortable around Mark, I feel like I can be myself around him. I start to feel really tired. My eyelids start to feel heavy and I rest my head on Mark's shoulder and drift off to Sleep.

(Mark's POV)

While Ethan and I were watching the movie and he started to look really tired. He leaned his head on my shoulder. I let him sleep until the movie ended. I couldn't sit on the couch any longer. I picked Ethan up bridal style and laid hm down on my bed. I'll let him sleep until ten, then I'll bring him home. Man I'm tired, I guess I could set an alarm and get some rest. I turn on the alarm and I lay down next to Ethan.
    *beep beep beep* I hear as my eyes flutter open. I finally start to feel awake and notice my surroundings. I look down and see Ethan with his head on my chest and his arm wrapped around me. He's adorable but I need wake him up. I gently shake him and he looks like he's awake. He looks up at me and he blushes profusely. "It's ten, so by the time we get to your house it should seem like you just left prom" I say. "Ok" Ethan says sleepily. "We should get going" I say as I stand up. "Yeah, you're right" Ethan says while rubbing his eyes.
    We head out to my car and I open the door for Ethan. While I'm driving Ethan says "I wish Abigail didn't ditch me" as he starts to lightly cry. "It's going to be okay" I say in a reassuring way. "Okay, you're probably right" Ethan says. I keep driving for a while and I realize it's only about ten fifteen. If I drop Ethan off now his parents will probably be suspicious as to why he's home so early, so I ask Ethan "do you want to stop and get ice cream, we have enough time." "Sure" Ethan says with a big smile on his face.
    We finally get to the ice cream shop and we both get chocolate and vanilla twists. We walk outside and sit on a bench. Im just calmly eating my ice cream and I look over at Ethan. As soon as I look over at him we make eye contact. We maintain eye contact for like thirty seconds and for some reason is not awkward. I stare into his beautiful hazel eyes. I see a big smile come across Ethan's face and I can't help but smile too. He is one of those people who has such a contagious smile. We both stare at the stars in the sky and Ethan says "its so beautiful, right." "It definitely is" I say.

(Ethan's POV)

Mark and I are both looking at the stars. I look over at him and I cant help but stare. I've had great time tonight. I never have this much fun when I hangout with my regular friends. We both finish our ice cream and all back to Mark's car. After a little while of driving and jamming out to early two nineties rap songs we finally get to my house. I turn down the music and look at Mark. "Thank you, for being nice to me, paying for dinner and driving me home, I had a great time" I say to Mark. "I had a great time too" Mark says. For a few seconds we just stare into a each other's eyes. I lean over the center consul and kiss Mark. I pull away and say "thank you for everything you did tonight" I hand Mark a piece of paper with my number written on it and I step out of the car. As I step out of the car a see a huge smile form on Mark's face and he blushes.
    I walk inside my house as Mark drives away. I sit down on the couch and my mom asks "how was prom?" "It was great, and I think I made a new friend" I reply. As I go to bed to can't help but smile. That was the best night of my life.

~It's Going To Be Okay 1975 words~

Ah that was such a cute one. I absolutely love writing these little stories!
Let me know in the comments if you have any story ideas! And don't forget, this is a safe place for anyone to express what they love. Also constructive criticism is always allowed but remember to keep things kind.

                  I love you,
                        stay awesome.

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