~Shots And Snuggles~

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Hey guys, it's been forever. I really needed a mental health break. For the past month or so I've had bad writers block and overall no motivation to write anything. I'm just starting to get back in the swing of things and I hope to be doing regular Friday updates again soon. Until then enjoy this little OneShot.

(In this story Mark can drink)

(Ethans POV)

"Well guys I think I'm-" I say as I'm cut off when I hear my phone ding, I glance over to see a text from Mark saying "Bob and wade are coming over tonight if you want to join." I quickly look back up at the chat where everyone is spamming "who texted you?" I ignore the spamming and continue to say "I think I'm going to end this one here, I'll see you guys next Tuesday bye." I end the stream and sigh. I pick up my phone and look at the lock screen picture of me and Mark. I should probably change that if I'm going to his house later. "What time should I come over" I reply. "Like ten, if that works" Mark says. 'Ok, see you then" I say. I get up from my desk and walk to my bedroom. I turn on my fun playlist and hop in the shower. After I rinse the conditioner out of my hair I get out of the shower and put on a tee shirt and some jeans.
    After having some food I grab my keys and go to my car. The drive to Mark's house is only like fifteen minutes. The song Fly Me To The Moon comes on the radio so I sing along. I finally get to Mark's house and knock on the door. The door opens almost instantly as Mark says "come in" with a soft smile. I step inside to see Bob and Wade taking shots of whiskey in the kitchen. Mark grabs a shot glass and pours some whiskey in it before handing it to me. "I'm good, thanks" I say. "You sure" Mark asks. "Ok fine" I reply while grabbing the shot and quickly downing it. The bitter liquid burns my throat as I swallow it. Mark takes a shot as well and says "want to play Mario Kart." "Sure" Wade and I say at the same time. "Sounds like a fun 2017 throwback" Bob says. We all walk to the living room and sit down on the couch. "I have to go grab the switch I'll be right back. Wade and Bob are talking while I realize how cold I am. God it must be like sixty degrees in here right now. It's not freezing just cold enough where I should've worn a hoodie. Mark walks back downstairs and connect's the switch to the tv.
    Mark stands up to face Bob, Wade and I before asking "everybody good?" "I'm kinda cold" I say. "Do you want a hoodie" Mark asks kindly. "Sure" I say. I'm honestly surprised he didn't say something along the lines of "oh don't be a pussy." "Here, you can have mine I'll go grab another" Mark says as he takes his hoodie off and hands it to me. When Mark starts walking up the stairs Wade looks at me with the slyest grin / smirk. "What" I ask quietly. "He really loves you" Wade says. "Well, we are good friends" I say while trying to hide that fact that I know Wade is not talking about friendship. "You know what I mean Ethan" Wade says. He's technically right, I do know what he means. I doubt Mark would ever actually like me like that anyway. As Mark walks downstairs he says "who wants to play first." "Me" Wade says quickly. "It's you against me" Mark replies. "Our battle will be legendary" Wade says before Mark and him start laughing.
    After a few more shots and couple more rounds of Mario Kart, Mark and Wade are playing against each other while I'm cuddled up in the corner of the couch. "Your turn Ethan" Wade says. At this point we are all pretty drunk, but Mark seems to be handling it really well. I'm just really tired, drinking never makes me all crazy and upbeat like most people. I spent all day yesterday recording videos and then doing a late night animal crossing stream. My community always seems to love the late night streams, they say it has a "chill vibe" which I guess is probably just because I'm always really overtired when I do them. But if they like it I'll keep doing it. I end up finishing in first place which surprises me because I swear I had my eyes closed half the time. I'm glad I came here tonight, I'm having a lot of fun. It's probably about one in the morning now and I'm cuddled up In marks hoodie. It has a soft remnants of the smell of his cologne, it's incredibly comforting. I just want to cuddle up in some blankets and fall asleep. I start to blink slower, and slower until I eventually am consumed by my tiredness.
    "Mark, one more thing before I leave, just make sure you let Ethan know how much you care about him okay" I hear Wade say as I start to wake up. "I'm going to, I just don't want to overwhelm him, anyway text me after your flight tomorrow, bye" I hear Mark say. As I come into full consciousness I realize how bad my head hurts. I see that I have a blanket on me, weird it wasn't there before. I hear the front door close and Mark walking towards the living room. Mark walks back into the living room and I slowly start to sit up while still trying to wake up. "What time is it, and where did this blanket come from" I slowly and tiredly ask while rubbing my eyes. "It's about four am, and I put the blanket on you, you looked cold" Mark replies. "My head hurts" I say. "I'll get you some ibuprofen" Mark says sweetly. After a minute or two Mark sets down a cup of water and some ibuprofen. Mark sits down next to me as I say "thank you." "No problem" Mark replies. "Thank you for inviting me over tonight, and being so nice" I say. "Of course" Mark says with a soft smile. "My head hurts so bad" I say while rubbing my temples. "I'm sorry" Mark says while rubbing my back. The feeling of his hand on my back is warm and comforting. I look over at him and we maintain eye contact for a few seconds before he says "you should drink some more water, it'll help." He's right, so I pick up the glass and drink the rest of the water. I stand up and say "I'm going to go to the bathroom" before walking down the hallway towards the bathroom.
    Before walking out of the bathroom I hold Mark's hoodie (that I'm wearing) up to my face and a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent. I walk back out to the living room and sit down. "You should just stay here tonight, you shouldn't be driving" Mark says. "Okay" I say while trying to not sound as excited as I am that I get to stay over. "The guest room is a complete mess so you can have my bed" Mark says. "Okay" I reply. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me, not just tonight but in general. If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't even be living in California, and as much as I hate to admit it I probably wouldn't be relevant on YouTube. I can't imagine living without you In my life Mark" I say.

(Mark's POV)

I can't believe he actually just said that, I mean it's completely true but I guess I never knew how grateful he really is. I feel like I'm going to cry or something. My first natural response was engulfing Ethan into the biggest, warmest hug ever. "I love you Eth" I say. " I love you too Mark, so, so much" Ethan says. I let go and pulled back from the hug after about twenty seconds. I quickly made the impulsive decision to run my hand through his fluffy hair and pull him in for a soft kiss. The feeling of lust ligers in the air. I pulled away from the kiss to say "so, you want to share my bed tonight" after hearing to words that just came out of my mouth I quickly say "oh god, I didn't, uh, mean it in, you know, that way" while tripping over my words. "I understand, ya goof, and sure I'd love too" Ethan says while fluffing Marks hair.

~Shots And Snuggles 1430 words~

Floof the hair for power! Lol, I hope you guys like this and I really quickly just want to say thank you so much for all the support I've been getting on this book lately. It really does mean the absolute world to me, I can't thank you all enough.

I love you guys,
Stay awesome.

Crankiplier OneShots (Crankgameplays x Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now