~I'd Do Anything For You~

2.1K 61 36

Hey guys! I just want to say how incredibly grateful I am that so many people have read my one shots! Seeing all your comments is truly the most wonderful feeling in the world, I can't thank you enough for 10k. But here's this OneShot that I just wrote in like two hours.😂

(Ethan's POV)

"I'm on my way there now I promise" I say to Mark. "Goddamnit Ethan you're so unprofessional" Mark says with a sigh. "I know, I'm sorry, my alarm didn't go off this morning" I say hoping that Mark won't fire me. I've been working for Mark for two years, I edit most of his videos. Every once and a while someone else will edit one. It's not easy work, I work constantly. Not to mention I still have to find time to record and edit my own videos. But lately I've been messing up on the stupidest little things. last week I forgot to edit a video that was supposed to go up the next morning, I stayed up all night editing it and luckily got to Mark on time (barely.) Another time I lost the audio to a video and had to completely start over the edit. Last Tuesday I was running late to go help film because I couldn't find a certain camera lens that I needed. Right now I'm on my way to go help film a video, sadly I'm going to be working all night again because Mark wants this video up by tomorrow afternoon. I haven't  had a full nights sleep in weeks. I'm extremely sleep deprived but I take pride in my work. Sometimes I wish that Mark would give me some sort of a break but I would never ask for one, he's already done so much for me. "I'm so sorry that I'm late, it was a complete accident" I say to Mark as I walk into the office. "It's fine, don't worry about it" Mark says.
Mark pops the SD card out of the camera and hands it to me. "Thanks" I say with a soft smile. "Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you, you get these videos done on such short notice" Mark says. "Yeah...it's no big deal" I say. "Are you sure? You seem tired" Mark says. "I'm a little tired but it's fine" I lie. "I don't believe you, have you been staying up late? You look tired, I can see it in your eyes, maybe I should edit that video" Mark says slightly worried. "It's ok, I can do it" I say. "Are you sure?" Mark says. "yeah" I say. "Ok, if you say so" Mark says. "I'll send it to you tomorrow morning" I say. "Thanks" Mark says.
It's two am, I've been editing this video all night. It's three hours of footage and I'm supposed to edit it down to fifty max. Not to mention adding interesting effects to make such a long video more...well, interesting. I'm so tired, but I won't let it stop me. "I need to get this done, for Mark" I remind myself with a brief pause. I take a deep breath before resting my head on the table. I hear a buzzing noise and pick my head up to see that Mark is calling me. I pick up the phone and answer. "Hey" Mark says. "Hey, why are you calling so late" I ask. "Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you" Mark replies with a slight tone of concern. "No, I'm editing the video...why did you call" I ask in a polite manner.

(Mark's POV)

"No, I'm editing the video...why did you call" Ethan asks me. "I...just can't sleep" I say hesitantly knowing that I'm lonely and just wanted to hear Ethan's soft, peaceful voice. "I'm sorry, that's never fun" Ethan says. "Do you...want to come over for a little while, I can just finish up editing that video tomorrow" I say while quickly adding on the last part in hopes that he'll say yes. "Sure" Ethan says. "Ok see you soon, love yo- I mean bye" I say. "Bye" Ethan says with cute giggle. I feel an overwhelming sense of relief knowing that for at least for a little while I won't be alone.
Roughly fifteen minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I stand up off the couch and walk over the door. Shortly opening it to be greeted with that smile that I love so much. I gesture for him to come inside. As he walks inside I take notice to how adorable he looks in a hoodie and sweatpants, he pulls it off much better than I do. How is everything about him so cute. "So, what do you want to do" Ethan says as he sits on the couch. I lay down on the other end of the long couch. "Cuddle" I reply without thinking first and quickly realizing what I just said. The instant regret hits me before Ethan says "okay." He stands up before walking over and laying down right on top of me. I wrap my arms around his waist as Ethan nestles his head into my chest. "This is nice, good suggestion" Ethan says with a giggle which instantly makes me laugh too. "How have you been lately" I ask trying to make light conversation. "Working hard, ya know" Ethan replies with a yawn. "I'm sorry, I feel like I'm asking to much from you, you deserve a break...maybe I should hire someone else to help lighten the load. You've seemed so tired lately, I just want you to be okay...and if I have to hire another person I will" I say. Ethan picks his head up off my chest and looks at me face to face with a soft smile and says "thank you, Mark." "Of course, I love you" I say. "I love you too" Ethan says before pressing his soft lips against mine. He pulls out of the kiss for a second to say "I would do anything for you Mark, I'd quit youtube, I'd work every hour of every day...hell I'd even move to California for you, oh wait,,,I already did that." I kiss his beautiful smile. I love you Ethan Nestor Darling.

~I'd do anything for you 1014 words~

I hope you enjoyed, and yet again thank you for reading❤️

                      I love you guys,
                                Stay awesome.

Crankiplier OneShots (Crankgameplays x Markiplier)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant