Going Back/C.R Trick

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"We'll have what we had last time please," I say and smile at Hiccup. It's the second time I've gone to Starbucks and that is for one reason and one reason only.

Can you guess what that reason is?

No, it's not Hiccup!

It's Hazel, kay? I don't like Hiccup that way. Period. Oh wait, there was already a period there. XD

"Ooooookay," He smiled.

"Ooooookay!" I replied.

"Why did you say okay like that?" He asked.

"'Cuz you say it like that," I quipped. He just smiled. ( A/N: Remember the Valka/Stoick/Hiccup moment in HTTYD 2? XD)

When the drinks were ready, I took them and lead Hazel outside. Suddenly, she cries, "I wanna go peeeee!"

"Okay, okay," I hush her whining, "I think there's a C.R somewhere here..."

(A/N: If you don't know what C.R is, it's a room with a toilet and sink, kay? I heard Malaysians don't know what a C.R is...no offense Malaysians! :D)

I glanced around and noticed a sign that said:


I smile and bring Hazel towards it. She quickly went in and I waited.

"Hazel! It's been five minutes!" I yell.

"Waaaait!!" She yells back.

I groan and lean against the wall. A small line had formed already.

"HAZEL! IT'S BEEN FIFTEEN MINUTES ALREADY!" I yell again. Now around five people had lined up.

"It didn't come out yet!" Hazel whines.


"It didn't come out yeeeeeet!" Hazel whines again.

"SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!" I ask.


I groan as people start asking me:

"What's taking so long?"

"Will she go out?"

"When will she come out?!"

I sigh and ignore their questions and comments. Then I saw familiar auburn hair weave through the line. "Hiccup!" I smile.

"Oh hey, so are you the one holding up the restroom?" He asks.

"No, it's Hazel, she says 'it' won't come out...yet," I sigh for the hundreth time that morning.

So while waiting for Hazel, Hiccup and I just talked. We ignored the people who were yelling of course. I got to learn more about him. Turns out we're super duper opposites. I like sports, he prefers reading. On one hand, I hate vegetables, on the other hand, he loves fruits. He doesn't really watch sports; in contrast, I do. He loves to sketch, but I love to write. He's a super smart guy, I'm just a normal girl who passed her tests.

See? Complete opposites. But he still asked for my number. Of course, I gave it to him, and he promised to call.

Just then, Hazel decided to actually come out. People stated cheering and the woman next to me ran in. I dragged Hazel out.

"What took you so long?!" I ask her.

"Nooothing," she put on a smile. I know that smile.

Oh no. GODS! THIS KID IS SMART!!!!!!!! She pretended she was still in the C.R so an employee would come. If it's not Hiccup, she would have come out sooner. But then it was Hiccup and she went out sooner. Gods, this kis is a GENIUS!

Starbucks ~ Hiccstrid Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now