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(Art is mine, DONT TAKE IT)
Name= (Y/n)
Age=18 1/2
Clothes= black tights and a white hoodie with the rabbid ears that stand up and the pale circle on there belly( I'll draw it l8r)


School, the one thing everyone can relate to that sucks. Nothing interesting ever happens here. Nothing interesting on the TV channels either. I'm (Y/n) and my home town is a large, busy city. I have a friend named Trix (Srry if dats ya name) but she uses me for things, but I don't want stop being her friend because she's my only friend. Maybe something good will happen so I don't have to be alone by myself in an old rundown apartment, with the dust bunnies.

(??? Pov)

"Bwaaa bwa bwaa bwaa"

"Bweee bwaaa bwaa"

"Bwa Bwa"

"Earth inbound"

"BWAAA bwaaa bwa"

(Your pov)
Another boring day in the big city. Some people go out and party or go to a job, while I go to school.
*ring ring* *ring ring*


"(Y/n), it's Trix why didn't you call me this weekend. I thought we were best buds" we really arnt in my mind.

"I was visiting a family member" I lied

"Oh ok then I guess I'll see you at school"

"Ok, see ya then...bye"

"Bye" *click.*

Trix always makes me do things with her, like go to the park and drool about boys that I dont care about. There just boys after all. Oh well, time for school.

[After school]
I was standing next to Trix under a flowering spring tree. Spring break is this weekend as well. Trix was hanging on these two guys, Drake and Tray. Drake and Tray are twins, but I don't really care. I put the hood of my hoodie up. It was the hoodie my mom made me at a clothes company before it caught fire. Drake looks at me as the ears of the hoodie flop forward and backwards to gain balance.


"Oh nothing its just ive never seen a hoodies like that" Drake smirks

"Yea well thats none of your business" I reply

"Oh come on (Y/n) stop being hard to get"

"Leave me alone before I break your arm, playboy"

"Ok geez" he walks away with Tray and Trix

Guess I better head home

(??? Pov)

"Welcome to earth. Commencing
Bury sequence."



"Bwa Bwa"

Great the submarine ship blew up

(Your pov)
I sat on the old couch with my black tabby Greg. We both eat our dinner then head to the bathroom, well just me. Then something scared the hell out of me. A large boom and crashing. I hate thunderstorms and so does Greg. We only interact when he either eats, sleeps, or if a big storm is coming.

Greg was my neighbors cat before she died. I guess it was from explaining my life problems to her quite long ago. Greg was only 3 years old now hes...well I forgot.

I then go to the bathroom to take a shower and think about things

"... And then I ran away from my abusive step father."

"Oh you poor poor dear I feel so sorry for you"

"Its ok I'm used to it"

"Well girly, hear me out on this one. Someday you will be a queen of your own army"

"Like an army of depressed rats, to fat to move?"

" I'm not sure, but not that"

We both laugh

End of flashback

Sometimes I remember that memory and dont believe. Even though it keeps me going. I barely knew her now I wish I did. She was the only one, besides my mother that respected me. Maybe she right or wrong, who knows only time will tell. All I want to do right now is sleep.


This huge city sucks
It's bright and boring
How can these things live here
I wanna throw up
But I have to stay strong for my team
Because they will laugh at me
I then see a female, I think, talking to two males.
I command one of my comrades to go up to them

"Bwabwaa bwa"

The girl screams and one of the guys kick him in the face

Oh good god

"Bwa Bwa Bwa"

I run to the guy that kicked my solder and throw a plunger at his face


Stupid man

We're rabbids

[(1) is done ✔]

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