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(Your pov)

I awoke to little voices and Greg growling. I get up and grab a bat. I walk slowly to the living room and pick up Greg. Greg lowly growls as the voices become more clear.

What the hell

Slowly I inch towards the door with my bat and Greg. I grab the knob and carefully turn it. I crack the door open...then

Holy fuck

I fall over, Greg jumps away and chases this white blur I see out of the corner of my eye. The thing walks runs and jumps on my counter trying to get away from Greg. I take this time to stand up getting a better look at the screaming creature. It was white with bunny ears, the inside of the ears are pale along with the circle on its belly. Like my hoodie.

Greg jumps on the counter as the thing yells. It falls of the counter and lays on the floor, holding its ears over its face. I felt kind bad for it so I shut the door, put the bat door, and tell Greg to go sit down. Greg does as he is told, but not after a hiss.


The thing looks up at me. It lets go of its ears and stands up. It sees my hoodie.(you got dressed before you went to the door)

"Bwa bwa bwaa"


"Bwa Bwa bwaa"


Its ears droop and it goes to notepad on the coffee table.

"How are you"

"Oh... um... well... The real question is who are you?"

"I'm a rabbid arnt you too"

I look at my hoodie then the 'rabbid'. The stomach looks the same, along with the ears. Then it hits me like a frait train. My hoodie looks almost like the rabbid. The rabbid looks at me as I pull up the hood.

"Ooooh bwaa Bwa" I guess it thinks I did a magic trick

"So, do you have a name or is it just rabbid

"Bwa bwaa BA bwaaabwa"
I point to the notepad, the rabbid signs.

"My name is Charlie, plus I'm a good cook

"Well hello Charlie I'm (Y/n) and I am not that great at cooking"


"Is there just one of you or..."
He shoves the notepad at my leg


"How do you tell each other apart"

"Really small details, my eyes are different thats how I'm different"

I look closely and they both look the same till I see a little, barely visible scar going down its right eye. The right eye is a lighter blue, but you can barely notice.

I nod

I look at the time which reads 6:00AM. I completely forgot I have school today because its Tuesday. I noticed Charlie walk to my kitchen and open a cabinet. He pulls out a heavy pot. I walk over to him and put the pot back, slamming the cabinet door. Charlie huffed and walked to the couch. He sat down and crossed his arms. I sighed and got my stuff ready for school.

[School time]

"Can I come?"

"No, now just be good and watch TV or something. Oh and dont touch Greg he will hurt you.
[On way to school]
I'm taking care of this thing like a child. He said there are lots of them scattered about. He said if I'm walking to the 'learning building' and hear "bwaa bwaa's" to just ignore it and try to not get them to follow me. They can cause lots of mischief. How did this even start. And why did he come to me.

(??? Rabbid pov)
I looked at this moving picture with two idiots dancing behind me. Why was I put with dumb ones. Well to be honest more than half are dumb. Thats why we left. Its hard to remember, but I get little bits of it.

I reach to one of my soldiers. He was bitten by a large insect robot. We glow blue and glitch out when we die. We can take lots of hits and being stupid, that comes in handy.
I then notice him glitch out violent then disappear. I look out the tent and see our submarine ship. I know what I must do.

It was awful. Even though we only lost like two rabbids. Since we have great stamina. What is truly tragic is when the ship went insane exploding and scattering us everywhere. And lucky enough I was stuck with dumb 1 and dumb 2. I look behind me to see one with a hand in his mouth and the other with a plunger on his head. I sigh, then yell at them.

[After school]
(Your pov)

I open my apartment door to see a mess, in my kitchen. No oh no. I shut the door and dash over to Charlie covered in multiple colors. He coughs and looks at me. He then holds out his paw hand thing. It was closed as he jerks it at me. I hold out my hand as he drops a white jelly cube. He points to his mouth.
He wants me to eat it.

[(2) is done ✔]

The Rabbids queen.      RABBIDS x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now