(6-part 1)

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Hee Hee im not ded but school started back up again for me and I wanna be fed.
This is an episode chapter (finally) but im changing it a bit

(Barranco pic)

Alright, its a brand new day and she's still here. Im giving her a chance but that doesnt mean I have to be nice.

"Oh hey barran-"

"Shut it human"

(Your pov)

Well damn, whats his problem. I turn to see greg on Charlies tummy and decide to let them sleep. Not long a few store lights turned on and thats when I remembered I slept at the mall like a homeless person. Cause well.... I was but I look like I ran from home, after getting grounded. I stand from the bench and a couple rabbids notice me.

But I only see Barranco chanting something with 3 rabbids behind him. This made the dog wake up and start barking, the few people that entered the mall early just walked away. Who's dog is this anyways, but the thing that was suprising was Barrance slapping the dog to shut up. Thats when I stood up, slowly a quietly walked to the dogs leash.......and untied it.

Barranco's eyes shrunk and he took off like a jet with the dog following him. The other 3 rabbids just laughed.

(Greg's pov)

If noone shuts that dog up I'll do it myself.
Wait....DOG.  SHIT!

(Your pov)

I then look over to Charlie to see Greg gone. Charlie was awake now and came running over to me.

"You really need to control that animal."

"Thanks for the advice Charlie, but did you see where he went."

"The food market."

Super helpful. I then start to make my way to the food market when I suddenly hear Barranco cheering and chanting with the same three rabbids. Behind him was the dog and its leash tied to a shopping cart. He then turns around, walking back to it and it starts barking again. How have I not gotten a headache yet. I then see 2 rabbids run behind the shopping cart and grab it, hold the dog back.


Oh theres the headache. The dogs ears fold back and the rabbids let go of the shopping cart. The cart hit the dogs behind which caused it to flip and trap the dog inside.

"Bwaa bwaa Bwa baa. BWAAA BWAA!"

Oh good god. I run over to "the great leader" and get yelled at again.



*click FLASH*

Barranco looked behind him to see a girl walk out of a photo booth laughing at her pictures, which cause Barranco to glare and walk over to her. He stopped when a photo fell from that thing that gives you your photo's. He reached in, grabbed it, looked at it and started laughing till the woman yelled at him whaile taking the photo. Barranco actually looked upset, maybe he is just lonely.

I snapped back into reality when I saw Barranco trying to get on the chair. I decided to try and help him, but thought that he might yell at me. So I just stood there awkwardly watching Barranco trying to get on the seat. When he FINALLY did though I walked over to the booth and slow clapped.

"Yes, applaud for your new leader human."

"Can you just say my actual name"you ask

"Uuuuuuuuggggghhhh fine what is it then"


"Weird but whatever" he's one to talk

"Please insert a coin"

Barranco stared at the machines screen

"The fuck you say to me"

"You need a coin in order for the booth to take your picture" I explain

"Oh....uh ok then (Y/n) take these retards and find me a 'coin'"

But before we could walk away an old man walked into the booth. Barranco then got this look on his face.

Shit was about to be thrown at a fan.

The Rabbids queen.      RABBIDS x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now