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Its been awhile.  I also made the vid on top cause I want to be an animator but got speedpaint instead. Ive had famy trouble and am now single 😐.   ON WITH THE STORY!

[Your Pov]
I was sitting on a bench still at the mall, surrounded by rabbids. At least 4 of them stayed around and talked to me.

"Do you know how to get any preetzals?" One rabbid says.

"Yea...what about it"

All four look at me with huge eyes "CAN YOU BUY US SOME!!"

I stare at all four of them and stand up. Smiling and pating there heads. They get excited and jump up and down. I walk over to the stand and get 5 pretzels. While eating I remember what one of them say pretzles wrong but just laugh at it a bit.

After I ate my food I looked around to find the rabbids gone. I look around to find them running around with a DOG. It had big white teeth, brown and black fur, and hefty. It looked evil. As I stared at it chasing the rabbids it notices me and barks.

My irises shrink and I get up fast and run. Of course it chases me with the rabbids in pursuit. I look back behind me to notice the dog gaining fast and...BARRANCO. He was sprinting fast to grab the dogs leash. I see stairs and dash towards it. I run up 5 stairs wait till the dog got just close enough and jumped off the side which wasnt far from the ground. The dog looks suprised and goes to turn around, but Barranco grabbed the leash. He tied the leash to the end of the stair rail. He then walks over to me with other rabbids followed him.

"No need to thank me for saving a human such as yourself." Damn that's a bit harsh

I thought it would be funny to pick him up and kiss his cheek. He turns a dark red and looks at me. He then jumps out my grip, stares at me and........yells.


I giggle and bend down towards him.

"Cause you are cute with your different colored eyes. It makes you stand out from the rest of the group."

He just gets redder and then turns to run off. Not before the gets surrounded by other rabbids with happy faces saying:

"Awwwwww that was so cute"
"Is she gonna be are queen"

Barranco just yelled 'bwaaaaaa' and running away, face still red.

[Barranco's pov]

What the hell was that. A spell. It kinda felt nic-NO. She is a human.
But shes nice
She could be lying
But I lie
I dont know anymore
I'll give her a chance

I guess...geez

The Rabbids queen.      RABBIDS x Fem readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ