Lunch break

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Levi's pov

The bell had just went off, signalling to all the students that it's lunch time and to leave the classrooms now to give the teachers time to rest and recuperate after the morning's exhersions of looking after a whole class of twats.

Since Erwin was busy getting changed out of his god awful PE kit, I decided to meet him in the cafeteria after he's done. So I made my way there, down the long, plain and busy corridors and maneuvered my way through the never ending crowd of twonks that don't understand the words "fucking move!!!"

I finally made my way to the cafeteria and was beyond shocked when I saw the quality, long wooden tables were spread along the room with moveable chairs cramped together on each long table. The chairs were a dark brown wood with a sort of mint green cushioned seat and back built into them. Back at my old school, if you sat on the benches for too long you'd probably have to have an operation on your ass as you'd be in a hell of a lot of pain.

The smell upon entering the cafeteria was heavenly, the smell of only fresh food being used. The lunch que had three lines of warm food, cold food and desserts. The drinks were sold in a separate area on the other side of the cafeteria which was also split into three lines of fizzy drinks, hot drinks and cold drinks such as milkshakes and ice tea. The lines for each of these were quite long but they rapidly decreased within minutes.

After scanning the area I managed to find two seats on a long table right next to each other. I placed my bag on the left seat and sat on the right one making sure to hide my smile from the sudden comfort. I then proceeded to open my plain black bag and pull out my blue plastic lunch box. I place that on the table and zip up my bag. I then return to my box and open it revealing a rather miserable sandwich made for my by the owner of the orphanage. I sigh and hesitantly start eating it.

"Do you really eat that kind of stuff?"
"Hm?" I look up and to my left to see that big blond hulk standing there.
"Oh uhh yeah I do. Why?" I question making sure not to hide my confusion.
"It looks disgusting. Here" he extends his hand out to me "let's go and get a pizza"
"Wait what? But I don't have any money" I whisper, a little embarrassed saying something like that in a private school for the rich and twatty.
"Don't worry about it babe. I'm paying. No buts" he smirks and lifts me off of the chair by my hand, grabs my backpack and starts walking.

I quickly grab my lunch box and chase after Erwin, nearly breaking into a sprint
"Erwinnnnnnn slow downnnnnnn"
He chuckles and slows down to a pace comfortable for me and leads me to the pizza shop.

(Sorry for the long delay for an update. There isn't really an excuse other then I didn't feel like updating until now. If you have any suggestions for this pic don't hesitate to say them and if there are any errors please let me know. Thank you for reading)

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