Flammable Jelly

23 3 0

Mark Rodriguez, a man who had committed worker's comp fraud, was tested on his "illness" and placed in a dark room, with a candle and a box of matches serving as his only light source. Broken glass completely covered the floor, hundreds of numbers were written on the walls, and a safe was placed in the middle of the room. From a tape recorder resting on a small metal platform suspended from the ceiling, Mark, who had been stripped naked, was informed that he was covered with a flammable substance and that there was a slow-acting poison in his system that would kill him in roughly two hours. The combination to the safe, which held the antidote, was written on the walls amidst the myriad of other possibilities. While looking for the combination, Mark drew too close to the candle and went up in flames.

Build: 3

Escape: 7

Memorable: 2

Gore: 3

Total: 15

My thoughts...

its a forgettable trap... 

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