Quadruple Shotgun Hallway

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This trap was used by Jigsaw for security reasons instead of having a test for the victim. Double-barrelled shotguns were suspended from a ceiling in a hallway, each connected by a tripwire strung across the hallway below. When the victim stepped across the tripwire it would pull the triggers of the shotguns. The shotgun would go off simultaneously, firing at the victim and shooting them down. Detective Steven Sing was killed by this trap, who was chasing Jigsaw through his warehouse in an attempt to capture him.

Original idea: According to the Saw commentary and different interviews, the creators wanted a trap that consisted of two devices that would spring from the walls, snap shut on Sing, and fold him up into a box. They described it as an "iron cocoon."[1] They decided against the idea, as the visual effects would have been too expensive to create.

Build: 6

Escape: 2

Memorable: 4

Gore: 3

Total: 15

My thoughts...

also forgetful. but that extra O.I. was pretty good...

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