Drill chair

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Jeff's neck was shackled into a metal brace, keeping him trapped in a chair, attached the sides of which were two power drills. The drills were designed to inch toward his head, reaching and killing him in twenty seconds. The trap was activated when Jigsaw decided to test detectives David Tapp and Steven Sing, to see whether they prioritized saving a man's life over arresting him. After ripping apart the circuitry to prevent the detectives from stopping the drills with the button that started them, Jigsaw told Sing to find the key to release Jeff in a box near the chair. Inside the box was a ring with countless keys on it, and, rather than sift through them, Sing instead shot at both drills, deactivating them moments before they reached Jeff's head.

Build: 5

Escape: 2

Memorable: 1

Gore: 0

Total: 8

My thoughts... 

very forgetful, I couldn't remember that this was in the second movie... and he got out of it to easy...

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