Ch. 3 Always and Forever, Right?

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Most of the Mikaelsons were outside on the front porch. Hope was still in bed, asleep. Rory was getting around, Lilly sitting on her bed. The nine year old had woken up early that morning. Rory had found her in the kitchen talking to Rebekah earlier. It was clear that even after five years the blonde Original had kept her spot as Lilly's favorite aunt.

"So this means we don't have to move anymore, right?" Lilly asked as her mother laid out an outfit.

"We still need to find a place all of us want to live, but yeah, hopefully we won't be moving much more," Rory told her.

"And we're all gonna live together again?" Lilly asked.

Rory frowned. After everything that had happened, all of them had pretty much came home and passed out. She had managed to catch Klaus up on some of what he had missed before they did so, but they hadn't really gotten to talk. She had been obsessed with getting them to this point for so long. She didn't know where they went from here.

"Lil, me, you, Hope and your dad are sticking together from now on, okay?" Rory told her.

"What about Auntie Bex? Or Uncle Elijah and Kol? Or Aunt Freya?" Lilly asked.

Rory let out a sigh. "Am I doing your hair or not?" she wondered.

Lilly gave her a look, but stood up and walked into the bathroom with her mother. Rory started braiding her daughter's hair. "You still aren't answering," Lilly reminded.

"Because I don't know. Today is about you and Hope getting to see your dad. Everything else is tomorrow's problem," Rory told her.

Lilly nodded. She went quiet for a few moments, allowing Rory to put one braid in her hair. She had started on the second when Lilly finally spoke up again. "Are you and Dad gonna get married now?" she asked.

Rory looked at her. "I think we've had this conversation," she said.

"Yeah, but that was two years ago. We didn't know when we were going to get him back then. Now he is back," Lilly told her.

"And I still don't know, Lilly," Rory told her.

The nine year old sighed and let her mother finish braiding her hair. "There you go," Rory said, smiling as she finished the second braid.

"Thanks," Lilly said.

"Now give me a minute to get dressed and we can get your sister up," Rory said.

Lilly nodded, leaving the room. Rory walked over to her bed, sighing.


Despite what her mother had said, Lilly went down the hall to Hope's room. She quietly opened the door and walked over to her sister's bed. She dropped down on it next to Hope, who surprisingly didn't wake up. Lilly jumped once, hoping it would wake her sister. It didn't. She sighed.

Hope suddenly gasped awake, sitting up straight. Now in her new clothes, Rory walked into the room. "Morning, sleepy head," she said, smiling.

"Mom, you're back," Hope said in surprise.

"You okay?" Lilly asked her sister as Rory came to sit on the bed next to them.

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