to know one's future

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Everyone in the school was was gathered today for the career test,this wasn't an actual test but the goddesses would have every single one do something to see their future and give them some advice on their careers

And so everyone was going every ten seconds,it looked like the goddesses were using mind control to see what is in their mind

From where I was standing I couldn't see anything until luna looked at what was going on for me

"The students are cutting themselves with a knife and when a drop of blood comes out a small statue the size of a chess piece comes out

And it looks like there are three different colors for it,gold,silver and bronze

Don't worry,in your case I'd worry more about lunch since you're an emperor"whispered luna smiling as I smiled back

But I still couldn't get that feeling off my chest,like something bad is going to happen

I remembered what happened when I was in my castle


I was eating a bowl of cereal specially brought by me FOR me as the marauder approached me

"My emperor,the doom slayer wanted to tell you that will be leaving now"said the marauder

"What?what is he going to do?"

"He told me,that there aren't many things to do here,though he did promise to bring you back a souvenir"

"Hey I a bad ruler?"I asked him as I curled into a ball

He looked confused

"Why are you asking emperor?"asked the marauder

"Well things aren't looking too good,the orks stole one of our titans

The tau just took over a solar system

The necron are getting stronger from the deaths of our soldiers

And we're basically the tyranids toys at this point" I remarked

"That is actually wrong emperor,I prefer the term expeditionary tyranid punching bag"said a space marine that appeared out of nowhere

"You see what I mean now?"I said

He sighed as he took a seat in a chair that was next to mine

"Emperor,how old are you?"

"I'm 13"

"In thousands and thousands of years our empire has been in constant decay,it may seem strong and invincible but comparing it to our enemies,we are no more than medieval soldiers armed against all sorts of monsters

But you came,a,thirteen year old boy who knew nothing of what he was doing

First you did nothing,only casually resting in your palace

But you came back and started to work hard

It is true that we are still not significantly stronger than we were at your golden age,but we are getting stronger by the day

After you showed us that the emperor is back,the hearts of the people started beating as one,our soldiers are now fiercer than ever,the planets that we are losing are diminishing by the hour,we never had such a growth and that is all achieved by a thirteen year old boy

And I can guarantee that with maturity,training and more knowledge

Every single land,every single star and everything in beyond will belong to the god emperor of mankind

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