Chapter 1

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"Luis, I said stop", I giggled as I wafted his hand from touching my side.

"What? You're so ticklish, it makes no sense", he replied with a chuckle.

Everyone was walking out of the doors of the school building of Eden Hall Academy to carry on with the rest of their daily activities. I can't say that the first day was bad, but it wasn't eventful either. It was just like any other day. Cars were soon exiting the parking lot and buses pulled in to transport other students to their homes. Luis and I strode happily to my golden Honda Accord near the end of the senior parking lot. We stopped right in front of it to do a quick make-out session. His arms wrapped around my wide waist and mine curled over his neck. We kissed passionately ignoring everyone else walking and talking around us. Eventually, we stopped and I looked up into his hazel eyes.

"Can we NOT try to do anything mischievous tomorrow, Mr. thinks he's bad?" I asked with a smirk of seriousness.

He just looked back at me with a look of slyness, "Won't say you can count on it, but I guess I can see what I can do", he said.

"I'm serious, Mendoza. Being a junior this year, you might not wanna try anything that can get your ass handed to you", I continued, "I would not be nowhere near surprised if you gotten ISS as a matter of fact."

Luis just pecked my lips, "How about you not worry too much about every small thing that happens to me? I'm 16 after all. I can pretty much handle myself."

"Oh, my god. You're starting to sound like as if you're my child", I sniggered rolling my eyes playfully. "But I have to get going. Mom needs me for something."

"Ok. Yeah, me too. Coach will kill me if I'm not at practice in time", he said quickly as he kissed me once more, our lips moving in sync until he pulled away, "I'll call you later. Or you can message me if that's alright."

"I'll message you if I can."

"Alright." he then unexpectedly gave me one more little tickling pinch on my waist which made me flinch and squeal.

"See ya later", he said while laughing with a smile. He then ran off before I could catch him.

"Stop! I'll get you one day, Mendoza!", I yelled at him as I swung my arm to hit him, but I missed as he was already too far away. I watch him disappear amongst the crowd of students before hopping into my car and driving off.

I loved Luis very dearly and he the same for me. While this was his first day of being a junior, it was mine of being a senior. I was only one year older than him with me being 17 and him 16, though he was still two inches taller than me. He would always tease me or play harmless tricks on me which was always fun, but at the same time a bit worrying. Luis could be somewhat of a sly fox at times when he wanted to be and last year as a sophomore, would often get in trouble by his teachers by skipping class or goofing off with friends and doing things that were against the rules. He also had a habit of flirting with girls, especially the cheerleaders, but he wouldn't do it too much because he was aware he was taken. Despite all this, he's still good hearted and very kind to others. His love for me is very deep and he treats me like I'm the queen of our own personal kingdom or something which was a very sweet thing. We've been together for well over a year with us meeting while he was a freshman and me a sophomore. He was my everything, but even still, worry still consumed me for him for the near future. He means well, but he will soon have to pull himself together.

As for me, I too am very caring and polite to a lot of people, but at times I could be a pretentious bitch if I wanted to be. It's just how I am at times. Not many people know, but I have somewhat anger issues. Whenever it came to small things pissing me off, I totally wouldn't take it well, but Luis was always there to calm me down whenever I would get out of hand. He was kind of like a meditator to me as well as a therapist. Whenever I would feel extremely devastated or depressed about something, I would talk to him about it and he always made me feel better. He never liked seeing me upset or sad. Afterwards, he would always try to make me laugh and succeeded. Another thing no one (not even my family) knew about was that I was half an alcoholic. Whenever I needed to cool my body and mind down from things, I just take a can out of the little mini fridge and swig one or two down, but I would often get too careless and have too many which made me end up getting highly intoxicated. Although I only drink every once in a while, Luis had already begged me not to drink AT ALL, but knowing it was a bad habit, I couldn't stop. I promised him I would because I never broke promises to him. If there's one thing I can say that's really true, it's that we both have our own difficulties, but our love for each other would distract us from that and was one thing that could not be torn down.

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