Chapter 7: I am....

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???'s POV
Two Hours Later
I entered the Octoling's room and sat beside her. She said nothing and I felt bad for her. The situation was harsh on her and she had to live with me, a Sanitized.

"W-what izz yo-o-u-r name?" I asked, trying my best to speak.
"Oh, um I am Agent 8, my codename for the Squidbeak Splatoon."
"You-ur real name." I said.
"I-I don't really like it though." She replied. I insisted on it and she caved.
"To be truthful, I never did have a real name. It was gone along with my previous memories. My.....friend gave me a new one but he left me, alone and afraid, to explore the rest of this distorted world."

Silence filled the empty room.
"Well y-you st-till have-en't told me you-ur name."
She slowly opened her mouth.
"I am..... Akako." She said, looking away from embarrassment. Her whole face was flushed. I put a hand on her shoulder.
"It's a-a beaut-tif-ful n-name. W-why would you n-not l-like it?" I replied.

She continued being a tomato for the next 5 minutes. They sat in silence during that time. I tapped on her shoulder and she turned around.
*So who is your friend? The one whom you obviously liked so much.
"Oh he is no one special. He was one of the New Squidbeak Splatoon's agents. The first to join after Callie and Marie." She said. "And why are you writing now?"

*It's difficult to talk for too long. Takes too much concentration.
"Fine. Should we go and eat? I'm famished." She asked.
The sound of the front door creaking downstairs opening could be heard from our room.

"Great, the last thing we need." She groaned. I opened our door as she grabbed her Octoshot and we slowly creeped downstairs. We saw an inkling looking through our supplies. He gleefully grabbed our stuff. Akako gripped her Octoshot so tightly that her fingers turned white. I put a hand on her shoulder to hold her back.

She loaded it and rose from her hiding place.
"What do you think you are doing?" She asked, anger laced in her voice. The inkling turned around totally shocked. He dropped the sack he was carrying and pulled out a knife.

"Watch out!" I shouted. I grabbed the arm with the knife and judo-flipped him. The inkling landed on his back and the knife flew out of his hand. Akako found some rope in the sack and used it to tie him up.

"What the hell? I am here for supplies and you dare attack me? I will get my boss in on this and you will-" He rambled on but I cut him short with a quick blow to the head.

*What? He was annoying me.
"It's fine. We will try to get to the NSS tomorrow. For now let's enjoy lunch." She said and peace reigned the house once more.

Hello, to those who requested an update. Here it is! The next chapter. Sorry for the wait but you won't regret it. This is Agent_I signing out.

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